
Ssasoth was founded by those who still believe in old traditions of a better race, using slavery and dedication to ancient elder evil, god Sset. They believe in absolute reign of one empereror chosen by their god, however in their temporal state of insufficient followers, they have chosen rule at five.   Five followers of old way, called Loyal are currently the head of this small kingdom. This group of five is composed of experienced adventurers and travelers, who had traveled almost the entire continent and even other planes of existence. They are not really great strategist or battle commanders, but they are fearsome for their individual powers and undying dedication to their God.   Ssasoth now holds also several powerful artifacts that are told to be able to bring back their god Sseth. By their legends this will cause end of the world as we know it and would bring absolute and eternal rule to Yuan-Ti race.  
Legend of Sset
Ancient legend of Sset claims, that this ancient elder evil is locked away under underwater prison, deep in the ocean so that no mortal can ever find or reach him.
This legend claims that Sset predicted his downfall and created five artifacts where he hid part of his power. If any of his followers finds all five of these magical artifacts, he will gain the ability to speak to Sset and Sset’s location will be revealed to him.

It is also said, that these five items are needed to set Sset free of his prison. By the legend they are scattered across the entire world of Palathira to never be found.


Ssasoth was founded during year 312 SE, three years later after Azuth was attacked. It tooks whole three years for all believers of brighter future to gather, create new kingdom and conquer some territory. When they formed, they contacted Old Empire with their vision and offer of help. However, they quickly saw through hypocrisy of those who rule Old Empire and that they only want to claim whatever was left from once famous Empire. This infuriated leaders of Ssasoth so much, that they attacked them, claiming more than quarter of their territory in less than a year.   During years 313 and 314 SE rebels were constantly attacking Old Empire and now Ssasoth as well. Ssasoth retaliated with devastating force during the year 314 and clamimed almost one third of the land that was already freed by The Rebellion. This war continues to this day.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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