Sumerian Wilderness


Nature-Centric Beliefs. Residents hold a profound respect for the natural world, believing it to be imbued with spirits that guide and protect them.
Spiritual Worship. The Nine Trickster Gods and the ancient deities like Ubtao play central roles in daily life and spiritual practice, influencing everything from governance to personal decision-making.
Adventurous and Resilient. Due to the dangerous terrain and presence of mystical and undead threats, Sumerians are naturally adventurous and highly resilient, skilled in survival and exploration.
Tribal Community Structure. Especially in the savanna, the social structure is largely tribal, with periodic meetings to discuss communal matters, reinforcing a strong sense of community and cooperation.
Artifact and Magic Reverence. There is a strong cultural fascination with ancient magic and artifacts, which are often sought after for their power and historical significance.

Public Agenda

Conservation of Nature and Culture. Protecting the vast natural and spiritual heritage of the region is paramount, ensuring that development or external influences do not disrupt the ecological or spiritual balance.
Sustainable Development. Any development, whether infrastructural or economic, is undertaken with a keen awareness of its impact on the natural environment and the cultural traditions of the tribes.


Rich Biodiversity. The jungles and savannas are home to a wide array of plant and animal species, many of which are unique to the region and valuable for research and medicinal purposes.
Ancient Artifacts and Ruins. The jungles contain numerous undiscovered or little-understood artifacts and ruins, offering significant archaeological and magical potential.
Strategic Location. The location of Port Nyanzaru as a capital and major port provides strategic trading capabilities and control over maritime routes.

Embrace the Wild, Guard the Spirit

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Sumerian, Chultian


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