The Aurora Arch

The Aurora Arch is a massive, naturally formed stone arch standing 100 feet tall and 150 feet wide. The stone appears to be a swirling mix of colors, reminiscent of the aurora borealis. The area beneath and around the arch is in a constant state of twilight, with the aurora visible at all times, dancing across the sky in mesmerizing patterns. The Aurora Arch is considered one of the most sacred sites in The North. Seers and mystics often journey here for important divinations, while lovers come to have their compatibility judged by the aurora's reaction.  

Magical Properties

  • Planar Thinning. The barrier between planes is exceptionally thin here, particularly to the Feywild and Elemental Plane of Air.
  • Empowered Divination. Divination magic cast within the arch is significantly more powerful and accurate.
  • Emotional Amplification. The aurora responds to and amplifies the emotions of those nearby, changing colors and patterns accordingly.


It's said that on rare occasions, stepping through the arch at the right moment can transport a person to other planes of existence.
Natural Wonder


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