The Ember Brotherhood


ItemPriceRequired Reputation
Pyreforge Steel 50 gp per ingot 2
Flamecaller's Blessing 100 gp 3
Runestone of Ember Warding 150 gp 4
Blazeblade Dagger 500 gp 5
Ember Ash 10 gp per vial 2
Flameguard Shield 200 gp 5
Rune of Warmth 80 gp 3
Ember Essence 40 gp per vial 2
Pyrebind Rope 15 gp per 10 ft. 1

Pyreforge Steel

An exceptionally resilient steel infused with the essence of the Fire Plane. It has a reddish tint and emits a soft warmth to the touch.
In-game Abilities
  • When used to craft a weapon, adds +1 fire damage to each attack.
  • When used to craft armor, provides resistance to cold, reducing cold damage by half.

Flamecaller's Blessing

A minor enchantment cast by the fire priests. When invoked, the user's weapon emits a brief fiery aura.
This enchatnment must be casted upon jewelry.
In-game Abilities
  • Grants the weapon the ability to deal an additional 1d4 fire damage for the next 3 attacks.
  • Can be used once per long rest.

Runestone of Ember Warding

A small, carved stone embedded with a rune that emanates a faint glow.
In-game Abilities
  • Provides resistance to fire damage for 1 minute upon activation.
  • Can be used once per long rest.

Blazeblade Dagger

A finely crafted dagger made from Pyreforge Steel, its blade always seems to shimmer as if aflame.
In-game Abilities
  • Deals an additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit.
  • Can ignite flammable objects upon contact.

Ember Ash

A fine powdered ash harvested from the heart of the Fire Plane portal.
In-game Abilities
  • When used in a spell component, increases the damage of the next fire spell by 1d4.

Flameguard Shield

A circular shield crafted from Pyreforge Steel and inscribed with protective runes.
In-game Abilities
  • Absorbs up to 20 points of fire damage once per long rest.

    Rune of Warmth

    A minor rune that, when inscribed on clothing or armor, provides a comforting warmth.
    In-game Abilities
    • Wearer ignores Extreme Weather Cold condition.

    Ember Essence

    A small vial containing a fiery liquid essence from the Fire Plane.
    In-game Abilities
    • When consumed, the user gains advantage on saving throws against cold spells.

    Pyrebind Rope

    A sturdy rope infused with fire-resistant properties.
    In-game Abilities
    • Rope will not burn or melt when exposed to flames or extreme heat.


    The Pyremaster

    The supreme leader of the Brotherhood. Holds the ultimate authority in decision-making and is responsible for guiding the Brotherhood's vision and mission.  

    Council of the Embers

    A group of seasoned members who assist the Pyremaster in decision-making. They offer counsel based on their expertise and oversee various operations within the Brotherhood. Council is composed of 5 members. Each member often specializes in a field, such as rune crafting, mining, diplomacy, fire priesthood, and exploration of the Fire Plane.  

    Fire Priests

    Spiritual leaders and guides within the Brotherhood. They hold ceremonies, rituals, and offer blessings, especially before major mining expeditions. There is usually about 10 priests.

    Rune Crafter

    Skilled craftsmen specializing in imbuing items with fire runes, drawing energy and inspiration from the Fire Plane. There is usually about 15 rune crafters.  

    Mountain Miners

    The backbone of the Brotherhood's mining operations, they dig deep into the Efreeti Mountains and the Fire Plane portal, seeking rare materials.  

    Guardians of the Flame

    An elite force responsible for defending the Brotherhood's assets.


    The Flamehold

    A sprawling underground fortress within the Undercity, containing their meeting halls, living quarters, armories, and training grounds.
    This is the heart of the Brotherhood's operations, and it's heavily fortified. The walls of the Flamehold are said to be imbued with protective fire runes, making it impervious to most attacks.

    Rune Forges

    Specialized chambers deep within the Flamehold where the Brotherhood's rune crafters work their magic, infusing items with the power of the Fire Plane.
    The forges are crucial for the Brotherhood's trade in rune-enchanted items, which fetch high prices in Fatharik and beyond.

    Mining Claims

    Defined territories within the Efreeti Mountains and close to the Fire Plane portal where the Brotherhood has exclusive mining rights.
    These claims are the primary source of the rare ores, minerals, and other materials that the Brotherhood extracts, processes, and sells.

    The Ember Vaults

    Secure storage chambers deep within the Flamehold, where the Brotherhood keeps its treasures, artifacts, and other valuable possessions.
    The Vaults not only store material wealth but also house ancient scrolls, maps, and relics of significance to the Brotherhood's history and lore.

    The Ember Fleet

    A small collection of specially designed carts and caravans used for transporting mined materials and finished goods.
    The fleet ensures safe and efficient transportation of the Brotherhood's goods, with each vehicle often being protected by fire-enchanted defenses.


    The Origins

    Emergence from the Depths
    Approximately 800 years ago, amidst the smoky corridors of the Undercity, the Ember Brotherhood was formed. The original group consisted of just a handful of dwarves, driven by the mutual desire to harness the latent energy pulsating from the Fire Plane portal within the Efreeti Mountains. These dwarves, skilled miners and arcane scholars, believed that the power contained within the portal could revolutionize dwarven craftsmanship and spellcasting.

    First Era: Trials and Triumphs

    Formation and Expansion
    Within a few decades of its inception, the Brotherhood expanded its operations, thanks to the discovery of rare ores near the Fire Plane portal. This led to an increase in their influence in the Undercity and, subsequently, their control over mining rights in the region. The ores and minerals they mined not only became a valuable resource for their crafts but also attracted attention from other regions, creating a thriving trade.

    Second Era: The Rune Revolution

    Fire Runecrafting
    Around 450 years ago, the Brotherhood made its most significant discovery: the art of infusing items with runes using the essence of the Fire Plane. This marked the beginning of their dominance in arcane craftsmanship, with their rune-infused items becoming highly sought in Al'takar. The period also saw the rise of the fire priests within the organization, who combined divine and arcane practices to further enhance the Brotherhood's offerings.

    By Flame's Heart and Mountain's Core, We Seek, We Harness, Evermore.

    - Pyreforge Steel
    - Blazeblade Dagger
    - Ember Ash
    - Flameguard Shield
    Founding Date
    Social, Brotherhood
    Alternative Names
    The Flame Seekers


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