The Fang and Claw Guild


  • Monster extermination and control
  • Wilderness guide and protection for travelers
  • Training in monster lore and combat techniques
  • Collection and distribution of rare monster-derived materials

Notable Guild Activities

  • The Great Hunt. An annual event where hunters compete to track and slay a particularly dangerous monster
  • Monster Lore Library. Maintenance of an extensive archive of monster information
  • Apprenticeship Program. Pairing experienced hunters with promising youth
  • Emergency Response Team. Rapid deployment unit for sudden monster threats


  1. Initiate
  2. Hunter
  3. Veteran Hunter
  4. Master Hunter
  5. Elite ( honorary title for exceptional hunters )


The Monster Hunters' Guild is integral to Vinterborg's identity and survival. Guild members are highly respected in the community, with many young Vinterborgers aspiring to join their ranks. The guild's exploits are a common subject of local tales and songs.


Guild members have access to specialized equipment, including silvered weapons, magical traps, and protective charms. The guild also maintains a stock of rare herbs and potions for treating monster-inflicted wounds.
A fortified lodge near Vinterborg's northern gate, featuring a great hall filled with monster trophies.
Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
The Vinterborg Guild of Monster Hunters and Wilderness Wardens, Monster Hunters' Guild


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