The Rime Cathedral

The Rime Cathedral is an awe-inspiring structure made entirely of magically treated ice that never melts. Its spires reach 300 feet into the sky, refracting sunlight in dazzling patterns. The interior is a vast, open space with intricate ice sculptures depicting the history and legends of The North. The Rime Cathedral serves as both the religious center of Frostholm and a gathering place for important civic events. It's considered the physical manifestation of The North's resilience and adaptability.

Magical Properties

  • Climate Control. The cathedral maintains a constant, comfortable temperature regardless of external weather.
  • Sound Amplification. The ice structure perfectly amplifies sound, allowing even a whisper to be heard throughout the cathedral.


It's said that in times of great peril, the cathedral will come to life, its ice sculptures animating to defend the city.
Cathedral / Great temple


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