The Tempest's Eye

The Tempest's Eye is a massive, perpetual whirlpool about 100 feet in diameter. The water spirals down into a seemingly bottomless depth, surrounded by jagged rocks. The air around the whirlpool is charged with electricity, and small lightning bolts occasionally arc between the rocks. The Tempest's Eye is both revered and feared. Storm sorcerers and clerics of tempest gods often come here to commune with the elements. Brave individuals sometimes attempt to dive into the whirlpool to retrieve valuable artifacts believed to be sucked in from other planes.  

Magical Properties

  • Lightning Enhancement. Lightning-based magic is dramatically amplified near the whirlpool.
  • Portal to Elemental Plane. At the bottom of the whirlpool is a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water, though reaching it is extremely dangerous.


Local myths tell of a powerful storm elemental trapped at the bottom of the whirlpool, its struggles causing the perpetual vortex.    
Natural Wonder


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