The Veil Walker's Bridge

The Veil Walker's Bridge is an ethereal structure that spans the Sumujoki, visible only when the mist is at its thickest. It appears as a delicate arch of swirling vapors, solidifying under the feet of those deemed worthy to cross.  The Veil Walker's Bridge is seen as a test of character and a rite of passage. Successfully crossing it is considered a good omen and a sign of the gods' favor.  
  • Worthiness Test. The bridge only becomes solid for those with pure intentions or in dire need. Those unworthy simply pass through the mist and into the river.
  • Realm Crossing. On rare occasions, those crossing the bridge find themselves momentarily stepping into Ethereal Plane.


Ancient tales speak of the bridge as a pathway for spirits traveling between worlds. Some believe it was created by a powerful mist elemental who fell in love with a mortal from The North.


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