
Orcish nation is named Ulgrim, after their first leader that united them and lead the attack to Aldurians. This nation is still bitter about betrayal several hundreds years old, and is considered hostile to every other nation. Orcs from this nation are dark-red color which is completely unique in this continent.  


Nation of red orcs has great and rich history of conquest, war and suffering. Most Orcs from Ulgrim’s Tribes believe that Grummsh is their savior and father. They hate humans more than elves because of their expandability and ruthlessness.
Every warrior from Ulgrim wears a symbol of Grummsh somewhere on their body to remind themself in the time of need, they are never alone, that their father will welcome them in the afterlife.

Two Origins

Before Dark Ages Ulgrim wasn’t united as one part of this tribe followed the ways of Aldur and the second one decided to fight for themself and not allow men to oppress them anymore. Later when Dark Ages came to end and part of Aldur was already claimed by Runemaulian Dwarfs and kingdom of Athea started to form, they united and decided to bring glory to Orc race once again. They started to rampage across Aldur making enemies from all newly risen kingdoms and are now seen as conqueres and warriors that are feared across Aldur.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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