

Innovation and Progress. At the heart of Unliarian culture lies a profound commitment to innovation. This is reflected in their continuous pursuit of technological advancements and improvements in crafting techniques, especially evident in their development of Hextech technology. Intellectual curiosity and a drive to push boundaries are celebrated and encouraged among all citizens.
Craftsmanship and Quality. Unliar places great emphasis on skilled craftsmanship. This not only applies to their famed technological inventions but also to everyday items and architecture. There is a cultural pride in the quality of work, whether it's a beautifully designed piece of machinery or a finely crafted household item.
Commerce and Entrepreneurship. Trade and business are vital components of Unliarian society. The culture promotes a strong entrepreneurial spirit, with individuals and families encouraged to innovate and market their creations. Marketplaces are bustling centers of activity where ideas are as freely exchanged as goods.
Education and Knowledge Sharing. Education is highly valued, with a particular focus on engineering, magic, and the sciences. Learning institutions are widespread, ranging from formal universities to informal workshops and apprenticeships. Knowledge sharing is a fundamental part of the culture, driven by the belief that innovation thrives in open environments.

Public Agenda

Fostering Innovation. A core aspect of Unliar’s agenda is to remain at the forefront of technological and magical advancements. This includes investing heavily in research and development, particularly in areas that merge magic with technology, such as Hextech. The government actively supports initiatives and projects that push the boundaries of current knowledge and capabilities.
Promoting Craftsmanship and Quality. Unliar aims to uphold and enhance its reputation for high-quality craftsmanship. This involves supporting artisans and craftsmen through subsidies, training programs, and access to new technologies, ensuring that traditional skills are preserved while also being enhanced by modern techniques.


-1648 HE: Fall of Heraklion.
-1575 HE: Founding of Unliar. Unliar is established when several smaller nations, unable to survive independently due to their focus on exporting handmade products, unite under a common banner to leverage their collective strength in craftsmanship and trade.
-1500 HE: Development of Trade Routes. Unliar develops its first major trade routes, facilitating the exchange of goods and technology with neighboring regions. This marks the beginning of its rise as a trade hub.
-1400 HE: Introduction to the Golem Guard. The first golem guards are created, significantly boosting the security of Unliar’s cities and trade convoys. 
-1300 HE: The Great Workshop. The establishment of the Great Workshop, a state-sponsored institution dedicated to fostering innovation and training artisans in advanced crafting techniques.
-1150 HE: The Trade Expansion Act. A landmark legislation that expands Unliar’s trade networks further abroad, establishing it as a central economic power in the region.
-1000 HE: First International Tech-Expo. Unliar hosts its first International Tech-Expo, attracting inventors, craftsmen, and merchants from across the world, showcasing its achievements and securing numerous international trade agreements.
-850 HE: The Magic Integration. A breakthrough in integrating magic with technology leads to the development of the first magical crystals used in Hextech, revolutionizing the industry and military applications.
-700 HE: The Mercenary Treaty. With its wealth growing, Unliar signs treaties with several mercenary groups to protect its expanding trade interests, cementing its reputation as a well-defended and prosperous nation.
297 HE: Hextech Weapons Armament. The official adoption of Hextech weapons by Unliar’s military, making its army one of the most formidable forces, capable of infusing traditional weaponry with powerful magic.

Forge the Future, Enchant the Present

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Artificer's Realm


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