
Visionhaven is a city of shimmering spires and ethereal architecture, where the very air seems to pulse with prophetic energy. As the capital of the Mirage Steppes, it stands as the epicenter of divinatory magic in Numeria.


  • Precognitive Warning System. Network of seers constantly scanning for future threats
  • Illusion Barriers. Defensive mirages that confuse and misdirect potential invaders
  • Fate-Woven Militia. City guard trained to use minor divinations in combat

Industry & Trade

  • Production and export of high-quality divination tools
  • Consultation services for businesses and governments seeking future insights
  • Publishing of prophetic almanacs and divinatory texts
  • Specialized agriculture guided by precognitive weather forecasting


  • Crystal-paved streets that occasionally reveal glimpses of possible futures
  • A network of scrying pools connected by enchanted aqueducts
  • Psychically attuned public transportation system guided by precognitive insights
  • Mist-powered lighting that adjusts based on foreseen needs


  1. Oracle's Crown. Central district housing government buildings and the Oracle's Spire
  2. Seer's Quarter. Residential area for master diviners and their apprentices
  3. Prophecy Market. Commercial hub specializing in divination tools and services
  4. Ethereal Gardens. Park district with flora sensitive to psychic energies
  5. Veil Ward. Educational sector with schools and research facilities


  • The Oracle's Spire. Iconic crystal tower serving as the city's primary divination focus
  • Hall of Myriad Futures. Vast chamber where major prophecies are debated and interpreted
  • The Nexus Archive. Library containing records of significant visions and prophecies
  • Chronos Fountain. A public scrying pool showing visions of past, present, and future

Guilds and Factions

  • College of Temporal Insights. Premier institution for divination studies
  • Augurs' Consortium. Guild of professional diviners and fortune-tellers
  • Veiled Guardians. Secret society dedicated to preventing misuse of prophecies
  • Mirage Weavers. Artisans specializing in crafting illusion-enhanced goods

Points of interest

  • Echoes of Tomorrow Square. Public space where citizens can receive minor, personal divinations
  • The Veiled Theatre. Playhouse famous for productions inspired by prophetic visions
  • Contemplation Spires. Meditation towers designed to enhance personal insight and foresight
  • Area 
    12 square miles


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