The Grand Expanse Geographic Location in Palanvaid | World Anvil
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The Grand Expanse

Work in Progress - STUB

The Grand Expanse is a contient located in the eastern part of the known world. It was only recently discovered by the western continents, even though others had landed and colonized there (but they didn't know how to return).  

-From The Adventurer's Atlas
Written collectively by The Golden Seekers

The Great Wood,
The Northern Hills,
The Wheekun Desert,
The Central Plains,
The Gentile Stretch,
The Snowcovered Valley
The Wood Elf Tribes,
The League of Expansive Exploration,
The Nation of the Sand,
The Elder State,
The Dominion of The Expanse,
The Assembly of Clans

Articles under The Grand Expanse

Cover image: The Cosmic Fire by James Paulat


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