
The Horned God, The Hunter, The Horned Lord

He is a god of fertility and hunting. He is the guardian of forests and a guide. Many view him as a king of wild beasts who will punish those who over-hunt the wild places of the world. Couples having a hard time producing children will pray to him or do rituals in his name.   As a hunter he hunts down and destroys corruption, evil, and those who over hunt in the wild lands. Whenever the greatest evils threaten the land, Cernunnos can be counted on to pick up his spear; Leading the hunt, and calling upon heroes both proven and yet unproven to join him in the battle. Despite his wild nature, he also loves a good verse, and was known for flights of fancy.   As a god of fertility he supports those who seek wild and passionate love. Some view these practices to be bestial, primitive, or brutish; However, some communities have embraced his teachings. Like among the orcs, where he has become particularly popular.   Many believe he was initially a guardian aspect of Lufeya but became an independent warrior, willing to do whatever it takes to protect nature. Though he recognizes that people are capable of redemption, he still fears that more destruction could be caused before the individual would be willing to change.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Twilight

Tenets of Faith

  • Hunt those who destroy and corrupt the wilds.
  • Love passionately and truly.
  • Protect the wilds and the innocent within.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Neutral


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