
Prince of Lies, The Dark Sun, The Black Sun, The Lord of Three Crowns, The Mad God

God of strife and deception, and the greater god of conflict and murder. It was he who murdered Mystra and caused the Spellplague, throwing the cosmos into turmoil in an act that cost him much of his following.   After attempting to assassinate Mystra he created a book called the Cyrinishad, a magical tome that proclaimed him the One True Deity. This last plot ultimately failed. Though not before the book was written and read by both Mask and Cyric, which cost Mask most of his power and drove Cyric insane.   After these attempts; several gods banded together and imprisoned him in The Supreme Throne, The Shattered Castle at the heart of Pandemonium.   Cyric's church was pledged to spread strife and work murder everywhere in order to make folk believe in and fear the Dark Sun. It supported cruel rulers and indulged in intrigue in such a way that the world wouldn't be overrun by wars. Many outside the church viewed it as a twisted den of madness, trickery, and death. But its clergy condemned this outlook, preferring to see their religion as enlightened. It supposedly revealed that all societal bonds of friendship, family, and love were nothing but weak ties that always withered away, and therefore were useless, weak, and pitiful.

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Evil


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