
The World Eater, The Astral Serpent, Mother and Father of Serpents

Faelak is a giant serpent of unimaginable power. They are worshiped as the godex of disease, nightmares, and poison. It is believed that they first came to the universe and did battle with the twin sisters of light and darkness. Through ancient magics they sealed Faelak away, but a legend for-tells that one day they will break free and will consume all of the world.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Trickery, Death

Tenets of Faith

  • Spread chaos and fear, so The world eater may be fed with nightmares.
  • Do not hinder the spread of the godex's venom, if possible help spread the disease.
  • Give your soul to the godex, and become part of eternity.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Neutral


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