
Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Dark Mother, Mother of Lusts, The Lady of Chaos, Spider Bitch

Goddess of spiders and evil Drow. Lolth was the leader of the Dark Seldarine, but was opposed to varying degrees by all other members of it. She was the mother of both Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, along with Vandria, though the latter never supported the acts of her mother or joined the Dark Seldarine. Lolth was formerly Araushnee, the lesser elven goddess of destiny and artisans. She was Corellon Larethian's consort, and the main goddess of the dark elves. They had twins together, the elder Vhaeraun, the younger Eilistraee.   At some point, Araushnee grew ambitious and started to plot against Corellon. During her first attempt, she aided Gruumsh in trying to kill her husband by imbuing the scabbard that he had crafted for his sword with magic that would cause the weapon to shatter during the fight. However, this plan failed due to Sehanine Moonbow's interfering with it: she knew that Araushnee had tampered with the scabbard, because the Weaver had conducted this very first step of her betrayal during the night, when Sehanine's sight could reach her.    Araushnee's next move was to gather a host of gods on hostile footing with the Seldarine, forming an army to assault Arvandor and overthrow Corellon. The army itself was so badly organized, that she was confident that they would fail. Her true plan was to give the cursed scabbard back to Corellon, as during the battle that would later unfold, the item would cause arrows shot by Eilistraee to hit his chest instead. According to Lolth's plan, that would have killed Corellon while turning her daughter into a scapegoat.    Before the attack by the anti-Seldarine faction was ready, Sehanine confronted Araushnee about her betrayal (as mentioned above, she knew Araushnee to be a traitor), but Araushnee struck first and imprisoned her with the help of her son Vaheraun. Together, they also made sure that Eilistraee would find and deliver the scabbard to Corellon, and that she would be in his vicinity during the battle.  Once the battle started, the Weaver's plan almost went as she expected, When an ogre god charged Corellon, who had been immobilized by the Elder Eye, Eilistraee swiftly fired a few arrows to save her father, but the scabbard drew the projectiles towards the Protector instead, nearly slaying him. Despite all, the anti-Seldarine army lost and retreated as expected, and after the battle Araushnee tried to finish Corellon with a dose of poison crafted by Eilistraee to aid her followers in the hunt, pretending it to be water from Elysium with healing qualities gathered by her daughter. However her plan ultimately failed due to Sehanine's intervention, as the Lady of Dreams had managed to break out from Vhaeraun's prison, albeit at immense cost to herself.   When the elven lord awakened, a trial was called in, Vhaeraun and Eilistraee became members in exile of the Seldarine—in the case of Eilistraee willingly, as she had foreseen that the dark elves would have needed her light and hope in the future.   After her exile, Araushnee took the name "Lolth". She conquered the 66th layer of the Abyss, the Demonweb Pits, for herself. After securing control over her layer, she plotted to exact vengeance against Corellon. Being unable to directly strike at him, she planned to be worshiped as a goddess by the elves, bringing misery to them and therefore to their "father".  The War of the Spider Queen was a period during which Lolth transformed herself into a greater deity, and turned the Demonweb Pits into an independent plane.

Divine Domains

Trickery, War
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil


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