
Mistress of the Night, Mistress of Pain, The Dark Lady

Counterpart to her twin Selûne, Shar presided over caverns, darkness, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the Underdark. Among her array of twisted powers was the ability to see everything that lay or happened in the dark. Shar's symbol was a black disk with a deep purple border. Shar was also the creator of the Shadow-Weave, which was a counterpart and an attack upon the Weave, controlled by Mystryl and her successors, before both of the Weaves fell into ruin during the Spellplague. Shar is an ancient goddess of evil, and seeks to destroy her twin sister Selûne.

Divine Domains

Death, Trickery

Tenets of Faith

  • undermine and corrupt individuals, governments and other religions, Guide them to be more likely to accept the views and dogma of Shar.
  • Keep your secrets for they have power, and when the time is right use them.
  • Obey The Dark Lady.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Evil


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