The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is the Goddess of Death and Memory. Although a complete account of the Raven Queen's motivations and origins was not generally known, it was believed that she was originally a much beloved elf queen from the Feywild who witnessed the conflict between Corellon and Lolth. Worried that the dispute might tear the Seldarine asunder (which it did), she rallied her followers to perform a powerful High Magic ritual in order to become a deity, so she could have the leverage to appeal to the deities' senses and prevent the shattering of the elves.   Sadly the ritual failed due to a group of wizards attempting to high-jack the ritual.   The queen herself was still further transformed by the corrupted ritual, her form dissolving into disconnected sensory perceptions. Moreover, both Corellon and Lolth considered her actions to be treason, so they erased the memory of her existence from all elves. In order to avoid disappearing entirely, she drew memories of her existence from the Shadowfell itself in order to sustain her identity. Over time, the subjective remains of the queen and the loose darkened memories gave rise to the entity that became known as the Raven Queen.   One of the Raven Queen's greatest enemies was the demon lord Orcus, who constantly sought control of the Shadowfell. He hoped to find a weakness in her domain by discovering her true name.

Divine Domains

Life, Death
Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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