Ablative Barrier

Ablative Barrier
Conjuration (creation) [force]
Will negates (harmless)
SR: No
V, S, M (metal cut from a shield)
1 standard action, 1 hour/level or until discharged, touch
Invisible layers of solid force surround and protect the target, granting that target a +2 armor bonus to AC. Additionally, the first 5 points of lethal damage the target takes from each attack are converted into nonlethal damage. Against attacks that already deal nonlethal damage, the target gains DR 5/—. Once this spell has converted 5 points of damage to nonlethal damage per caster level (maximum 50 points), the spell is discharged.
Target: creature touched
Alchemist [2], Arcanist [3], Bloodrager [2], Investigator [2], Magus [2], Occultist [2], Psychic [3], Sorcerer [3], Summoner [2], Wizard [3].

Material Components
A piece of metal cut from a shield.
Related School
Conjuration (creation) [force]
Effect Duration
1 hour/level or until discharged
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Legal to know and use.

Related Spellbooks
Vizier Mason's Laboratory Notes