Animate Armour

Animate Armour
SR: No
V, S
10 minutes, 10 minutes/level, touch
You breathe life into a suit of armour, turning it into a construct under your control.
This spell turns the suit of armour into an animated creature that fights beside you. It has the same statistics as a guardian phantom armour, except that it loses the undead type, channel resistance, and undead traits and gains the construct type and construct traits. It gains an additional 20 hit points for being a Medium-sized construct. The animated armour is proficient with all simple and martial weapons that you provide it with. The armour acts like a summoned creature under your control and follows your orders to the best of its ability. If the armour targeted has magical properties, the animated armour gains those properties.
The armour must be unworn and not broken to be targeted by Animate Armour. If the animate armour takes enough damage to be killed, the spell ends and the armour falls to the ground, gaining the broken condition (unless the effect that killed it would utterly destroy it, such as Disintegrate, in which case the armour is destroyed).

Target: one suit of full plate sized for a Medium creature
Arcanist [3], Sorcerer [3], Wizard [3].

Celestial Focus
The Soldier
Related School
Effect Duration
10 minutes/level
Effect Casting Time
10 minutes
Legal to know and use.