Bloodpetal Field

"The Bloodpetal Field was a sad place. Solemn and fragile. But it was peaceful. However shallow and tenuous that peace might have been. It was a place of recovery in a theatre with far too few of those. I know not… I don’t know what it’s like now. At the time I left it… the peace had changed. Less fragile, less tenuous, but harsher. It was a hard change to accept but not one I would risk reversing."Called By Duty describes the Bloodpetal Field to Connie Furr and Seneschal Enfield Kelba.
The Bloodpetal Field is the realm of Conscript Hodge, the Walking Wounded. Once the site of a raging battle, now the fighting has stopped and all that is left is the lone Survivor and the endless stretch of Bloodpetals, growing strong in the blood of the Conscript's Fallen Kin.
Magical Realm
Inhabiting Species
Related Myths