Detect Desires

Detect Desires
Divination [mind-affecting]
Will negates (see text)
SR: No
V, S, F/DF (a medallion)
1 standard action, concentration, up to 1 minute/level, 60 ft.
This spell functions as Detect Thoughts except that you sense significant desires of creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher, regardless of whether they are conscious or not.
1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts (from conscious creatures with Intelligence scores of 1 or higher).
2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the Charisma score of each. If the highest Charisma is 26 or higher (and at least 10 points higher than your own Charisma score), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends. This spell does not let you determine the location of the thinking minds if you can’t see the creatures whose desires you are detecting.
3rd Round: Most pressing current desire of any mind in the area. A target’s Will save prevents you from detecting this information, and you must cast Detect Desires again to have another chance.
Presenting a creature with an opportunity to fulfill a significant desire grants you a +2 circumstance bonus (or higher, at the GM’s discretion) on Diplomacy checks to influence it.
Each round, you can turn to Detect Desires in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Area: cone-shaped emanation
Antipaladin [2], Arcanist [3], Bard [2], Cleric [3], Inquisitor [3], Medium [2], Mesmerist [3], Oracle [3], Paladin [3], Psychic [2], Skald [2], Sorcerer [3], Spiritualist [3], Warpriest [3], Witch [3], Wizard [3].

Material Components
A medallion.
Related School
Divination [mind-affecting]
Effect Duration
Concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
60 ft.
Legal to know and use.