Discern Next of Kin Spell in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Discern Next of Kin

Discern Next of Kin
Divination [mind-affecting]
Will negates
SR: Yes
V, S, F (a coin)
1 standard action, concentration, up to 1 minute/level, 60 ft.
You can scan the thoughts of one individual and learn the names and locations of the target’s living relatives, as well as the attitude of the target toward those relatives (and vice versa). You learn about one relative per round you concentrate on the target. For example, you might learn the target’s father’s name, that the father lives on a nearby farm, and that the target and his father don’t get along. Since this spell reads the target’s mind, you can learn only what the target knows or believes.
Each round, you may concentrate on a different target.

Target: one creature

The Discern Next of Kin spell is used in the Bramble Church to determine who are the parents of firstborn Bunbun. Because there is very little sex education, sometimes this is the only way to determine who the father is, and thus which Bunbun the mother must marry.
Arcanist [1], Bard [1], Psychic [1], Shaman [1], Skald [1], Sorcerer [1], Witch [1], Wizard [1].

Material Components
A coin (silver for Richian, copper for Poorian).
Related School
Divination [mind-affecting]
Effect Duration
Concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
60 ft.
Legal to know and use.