Ferment Spell in Palimpsest | World Anvil


Fortitude negates (object)
SR: Yes (object)
V, S, M (a drop of ale, mead, or wine)
1 standard action, 10 minutes/level, touch
This spell temporarily imbues a potable liquid (including elixirs, extracts, potions, and poisons) with an intoxicant.
The caster must succeed at a caster level check in order to affect magic liquids and poisons (DC = 10 + item level for magic liquids, DC equal to the poison’s save DC for a poison otherwise, the spell fails. If the caster succeeds, the liquid also assumes a flavour according to what the caster desires, but the effect on the imbiber is the same. An imbiber of a liquid affected by Ferment must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw at the spell’s save DC or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks for the remaining duration of the spell. Additionally, the DC of any skill check to identify a magic liquid or poison under the effects of this spell increases by 5.

Target: object touched
Alchemist [1], Arcanist [1], Bard [1], Cleric [1], Druid [1], Investigator [1], Oracle [1], Skald [1], Sorcerer [1], Warpriest [1], Witch [1], Wizard [1].

Celestial Focus
The Beggar Man
Material Components
A drop of ale, mead, or wine.
Related School
Effect Duration
10 minutes/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Legal to know and use.