Friend of the Forest

Friend of the Forest
None or Fortitude negates (see text)
SR: No or Yes; see text
V, S, DF
1 standard action, varies (see text), touch
First taught to others by elves, Friend of the Forest places a small tattoo on an exposed portion of the target creature. The tattoo must fit within a space no larger than 3-square inches (i.e. a circle smaller than 1-in. radius, or a rectangle as long as 6 inches if 0.5 inches wide). The symbol must depict something natural (a vine, an acorn, etc.), and is chosen by the caster at the time the spell is cast. The tattoo can be hidden by clothing or removed by scraping it away (causing 1d4 points of nonlethal damage), though it returns if the damage is healed. The duration of the tattoo is determined by the caster (usually on consultation and agreement with the recipient) when the spell is cast, lasting anywhere from 1 hour/level to 1 year. (If the target is unwilling, the duration is chosen by the caster, though the target receives a saving throw and spell resistance applies.)
Target: Creature touched
Arcanist [0], Cleric [0], Druid [0], Oracle [0], Ranger [1], Shaman [0], Sorcerer [0], Warpriest [0], Wizard [0].

Related School
Effect Duration
Varies (see text)
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Legal to know and use.