Gem Crystal Futures (Rumour)

Connie Furr, having been influenced by Thomas Carnegie's Tome of Leadership and Influence to try her paw at market manipuation, spreads a rumour that Gem Crystal Futures are worth investing in.

Hopefully fewer genies being enslaved?


Needleday, Soldiermoon, 1313
Having been influenced by reading Thomas Carnegie's Second Tome of Leadership and Influence, Connie Furr tries her paw at market manipulation. At the Stars and Bars uni bar, Connie encourages a group of North Town university students to invest in "gem crystal futures". Despite only being a Bunbun, the students figure that she is a pet of the Dargent household, who control the city's finances. Many shares in gem crystals were purchased that day.
Goldday, Soldiermoon, 1313
Gem Crystal Futures reach the lower fourth quartile. They are more than one standard deviation away from their average value based on previous performance. It’s about time to sell your gem crystals if you want to make a profit.
Hugo Dargent relays this insider information to Aloysius Mason in exchange for Aloysius telling him about the missing Deconstructor.