Hurgbore Spoliator (972-1018)

STRENGTH 24 (+7), DEXTERITY 18 (+4), CONSTITUTION 13 (+1), INTELLIGENCE 16 (+3), WISDOM 8 (-1), CHARISMA 12 (+1)

Predecessor: N/A
Successor:??? (1018-???)

Vizier-Colonel Hurgbore Spoliator, First of his Name

Vizier Hurgbore Spoliator, first of his name, ascended to Vizierdom through plunder in the Terran Campaign. As a Siege Engineer, Hurgbore was a master of siege weaponry and could weild a cannon solo, using his massive Bugbear strength.


Religious Views

It is likely that Hurgbore was a follower of the Artilleryman of the Goblin Pantheon. The Artilleryman was a Bugbear-aligned deity and had associations with firepower, which is reflected both in Hurgbore's occupation and his noble crest, features is a purple and yellow flame.

Wealth & Financial state

According to Carnegie’s Encyclopediæ, Hurgbore is the seventeenth richest individual in history. He is listed as having accumulated his wealth as a Major in the Terran Military Campaign, wherein he plundered enough riches from South Star to establish his own noble house, the House of Spoliator. Hurgbore became the First of His Name and was promoted from Major to Colonel.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Vizier of House Spoliator
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
72 years old
951 1023 72 years old
Follower of the Artilleryman.