Ierena's Coy Clothing

Ierena's Coy Clothing
Illusion (glamer) [mind-affecting]
Will negates
SR: No
V, S
1 standard action, 10 minutes, personal
Creatures viewing you see your clothing as enticing, revealing, and even risqué (even if your clothing is far from such). Any creature within a 15 foot radius who would normally find you attractive must make a Will save or be distracted for the spell’s duration. Distracted creatures will suffer a -5 penalty to Perception checks and a -5 penalty to all saving throws vs. enchantment or charm.
Area: 15 ft. burst
Arcanist [3], Bard [2], Skald [2], Sorcerer [3], Wizard [3].

Celestial Focus
The Beggar Man
Related School
Illusion (glamer) [mind-affecting]
Effect Duration
10 minutes
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Legal to know and use.

Known Casters
Ierena [Bard]
Yvette Vixois [Bard]