Lover's Vengeance

Lover's Vengeance
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Will negates (harmless)
SR: Yes (harmless)
V, M (a piece of jewelry worth at least 100 gp)
1 minute, up to 1 day/level or until discharged, touch
You inspire yourself or a lover to a vengeful rage against a chosen enemy, who must be a creature that has wronged you in some way.
If cast on you, the next time you are in combat with that enemy, you gain the benefits of a Rage spell. If cast on a lover, he or she gains the benefits of a Rage spell the next time the lover is in combat against your enemy. This variant of the spell must be cast within 1 hour of an intimate encounter with the target. The rage effect lasts 1 round per level. If the creature that triggers the rage effect is one of your lovers or ex-lovers, the benefits granted by the rage spell double. This spell counts as a contingency spell on the target for the purpose of multiple contingent effects.

Target: creature touched
Arcanist [3], Bard [3], Cleric [3], Oracle [3], Shaman [3], Skald [3], Sorcerer [3], Warpriest [3], Witch [3], Wizard [3].

Material Components
A piece of jewelry worth at least 100 gp.
Related School
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Effect Duration
up to 1 day/level or until discharged
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Legal to know and use.

Known Casters
Ierena [Bard]