Major Creation Spell in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Major Creation

Major Creation
Conjuration (creation)
SR: No
V, S, M (a tiny piece of matter of the same sort of item you plan to create)
10 minutes, see text, close
This spell functions like Minor Creation, except that you can also create an object of mineral nature: stone, crystal, metal, or the like. The duration of the created item varies with its relative hardness and rarity, as follows:
  • Vegetable matter 2 hr./level
  • Stone, crystal, base metals 1 hr./level
  • Precious metals 20 min./level
  • Gems 10 min./level
  • Rare metal, including adamantine, alchemical silver and mithral 1 round/level
You can’t use major creation to create a cold iron item.

Effect: unattended, non-magical object, up to 1 cu. ft./level

Arcanist [5], Sorcerer [5], Summoner [4], Witch [5], Wizard [5].

Celestial Focus
The Tinker
Material Components
A tiny piece of matter of the same sort of item you plan to create with Major Creation.
Related School
Conjuration (creation)
Effect Duration
See text
Effect Casting Time
10 minutes
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Legal to know and use.

Known Casters
Whymslaho [Djinn]