Melchett Lordliwise (1035-1045)

STRENGTH 12 (+1), DEXTERITY 12 (+1), CONSTITUTION 10 (+0), INTELLIGENCE 14 (+2), WISDOM 12 (+1), CHARISMA 14 (+2)

Predecessor: Vizier Hogmanay Lordliwise (???-1035)
Successor: N/A

Vizier-Field Marshal Melchett Lordliwise

Vizier Melchett Lordliwise was the last Vizier of the Goblin noble family, House Lordliwise. He became Vizier in 1035, after the death of his father, Hogmanay Lordliwise, at 30 years old (which is roughly 53 in goblin years). Melchett reigned for ten years but died in the Apocalypse of the Final Shot that wiped out the Lordliwise line.   9th Vizier Melchett Lordliwise. Goblin. Follower of the Brass. Has the Victory Medal and the Valour Medal, despite never having actually seen combat. Cavalier - Castellan and Courtly Knight. Weilded a pistol, willing to shoot a person while they were down. Lead from the back. Became Vizier when he was thirty (53 in goblin years). Inheritance with family fortune originally coming from conquest several generations back.


Religious Views

Like most of his family, Melchett Lordliwise was a follower of the Brass, who was the demon figure of the Goblin Pantheon. He followed the doctrine of leading from the back, and not only promoted himself to Field Marshal, but bestowed upon himself the medals of Victory and the Valour, despite never having seen combat.

Hobbies & Pets

Darling: Animal Companion War Hawk. Stats: 14, 17, 14, 2, 14, 7. Almost the size of him. Inherited from his father.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Deceased; Former Vizier of House Lordliwise
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
40 years old (70 goblin years)
1005 1045 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
Follower of the Brass