Nahashta Serpentqueen (c.120-c.360)

Nahashta, Serpentqueen

The great sorceress Nahashta Serpentqueen was one of the Vizierqueens of the Ancients. Despite having multiple husbands, Nahashta retained her power and wealth, as is believed to have been more common during the time of the Wild Elves.   She is listed in Carnegie’s Encyclopediæ as the third richest individual in history, attributing her wealth to "the profits of sorcery and the labours of genies".


Nahashta Serpentqueen is estimated to have started her reign around the year of our amira 120 and ruled until her death, circa 360. Since Wild Elves did not have surnames, it is often difficult for historians to tell which rulers attained their position through inheritance and which ones through conquest. The tradition of listing Viziers as "First of their Name" did not come into practice until much later.   As such, it is unknown whether Nahashta took her position by force or whether she was born into the role. A popular folktale attributes her ascent to the throne as a result of a Wish granted by a Genie. However, it is likely that this is an embelishment of the actual history, if not simply completely false.
Current Status
Deceased; Former Vizierqueen of the Ancients
Date of Death
circa 360
Year of Death
6 ft. 6 inches.