Pox Pustules

Pox Pustules
Necromancy [disease]
Fortitude negates
SR: Yes
V, S, M (leaves from a toxic plant)
1 standard action, 1 minute/level, close
You inflict a painful, itching rash on the target creature. The target is sickened and takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity (this penalty cannot lower Dexterity below 0). The target can spend a move action scratching furiously at the rash to remove the sickened condition (but not the Dexterity penalty) until the start of its next turn.
Target: one creature
Druid [2], Witch [2].

Material Components
Leaves from a toxic plant.
Related School
Necromancy [disease]
Effect Duration
1 minute/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Legal to know and use.