Saché Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil


Saché is the daughter of Leesha, the former Handmaiden of Yvette the Courtesan. She is a dance student at Elderton University, studying under Professor Cunningham. It is possible that, due to money problems, she has had to quit the classes, but that has not yet been confirmed one way or the other.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Givesday, Thiefmoon, 1312
In a conversation with the dance professor, Professor Cunningham, Saché's mother, Leesha, requested extra time to come up with the money to pay for Saché's dance lessons. She mentioned that in a few weeks she would be getting a new job. Professor Cunningham reluctantly agreed, since Saché was a promising dancer, but cautioned he wouldn't be able to do so again.
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