Seducer's Eyes

Seducer's Eyes
Enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]
SR: No
V, S, DF
1 standard action, 10 minutes/level, personal
You gain a bonus on Charisma-based skill checks equal to 1 +1 for every 4 caster levels you possess (to a maximum of +5), but only when interacting with those who might conceivably find you sexually attractive. You do not gain this bonus against those you or your allies are attacking or threatening.
Target: you
Arcanist [2], Bard [2], Skald [2], Sorcerer [2], Witch [2], Wizard [2].

Related School
Enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]
Effect Duration
10 minutes/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Legal to know and use.

Known Casters
Ierena [Bard]
Yvette Vixois [Bard]