Temporary Resurrection Spell in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Temporary Resurrection

Temporary Resurrection
SR: No
V, S, M (diamond dust worth 500 gp)
10 minutes, 24 hours, touch
You restore temporary life to a body that has been dead for less than 48 hours. The spell lasts for 24 hours, after which the target dies again. The target gains 1 permanent negative level while under the effect of this spell; this negative level goes away when the target dies or is permanently raised from the dead (such as with raise dead). The target still counts as a dead corpse (but not undead) for the purpose of spells that revive dead creatures, so a cleric can cast raise dead or a similar spell on the target even while this spell is active. Once a creature has been revived with temporary resurrection, this spell cannot be used on it again until it is permanently raised from the dead.
Target: dead creature touched
Arcanist [7], Sorcerer [7], Witch [7], Wizard [7].

Material Components
Diamond dust worth 500 gp.
Related School
Effect Duration
24 hours
Effect Casting Time
10 minutes
Illegal (Death Spell)

Related Spellbooks
Grandfather's Legacy