The Engine of Cause

Lend us your battered old blade, me lad,
Lend us your rusty old gun!
For the engine of Cause
Needs more iron in it's jaws,
And the engine devours the Hun, the Hun,
The engine devours the Hun.   Lend us your scrappy old rat, me lad,
Lend us your tired old horse,
For the engine is cruel
That burns blood for its fuel
But it beats back the Hun from your shores, your shores,
It beats back the Hun from your shores.   Lend us your pots and your pans, me lad,
Lend us your spade and your rake,
For the engine that smogs
Needs the scrap for its cogs
But it leaves you new scrap in its wake, its wake,
It leaves you new scrap in its wake.   Lend us your pack on your back, me lad,
Lend us your ear to the ground!
For the engine that toils
Leaks the fumes known as spoils
And there's plenty of loot to go 'round, go 'round,
There's plenty of loot to go 'round.   Lend us the cry from your lungs, me lad,
Lend us the beat of your heart!
For the engine's old wheels
Must be greased with ideals
So the rust doesn't chew us apart, apart,
The rust doesn't chew us apart.   Lend us the march of your steps, me lad,
Lend us the shifts of your day!
For the engine of Brass
Has a boot up your ass
While the Hun's at least further away, away,
The Hun's at least further away.   Lend us the strength from your arms, me lad,
Lend us the sight from your eye!
For the engine of war
Churns unendingly more
And the children are waiting to die, to die,
The children are waiting to die.
Manuscript, Musical
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Music of Palimpsest