Transcribe Spell in Palimpsest | World Anvil


Conjuration (creation)
Will negates
SR: Yes
V, S, M (a scroll, book or tablet)
1 standard action, 1 minute/level, close
This spells copies a conversation onto the material component of the spell. A clay tablet, single page or piece of scroll can hold up to one minute of conversation.
If the caster runs out of material component before the spell ends, the spell ends immediately.

Target: one scroll, book, or tablet
Arcanist [1], Bard [1], Cleric [1], Oracle [1], Skald [1], Sorcerer [1], Warpriest [1] Wizard [1].

Material Components
A scroll, book or tablet.
Effect Duration
1 minute/level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Legal to know and use.

Known Casters
Connie Furr [Oracle]