The caravel is a small highly-maneuverable sailing ship developed in the previous century by the Ban Fellowship to explore along the West Opreunox coast and into the Great Ocean. The lateen sails give it speed and the capacity for sailing windward. Caravels were used by the Ban Fellowship for oceanic exploration voyages during the last century.
Until the last century Arres were limited to coastal navigation. They used the barge or the balinger, which were ancient cargo vessels of the Sostaut Sea with a capacity of around 50 to 200 tons. These boats were fragile, with only one mast with a fixed square sail that could not overcome the navigational difficulties of southward oceanic exploration, as the strong winds, shoals and strong ocean currents easily overwhelmed their abilities.
The caravel was based on existing fishing boats under the sponsorship of Ettaser the Navigator of the Ban Fellowship, and soon became the preferred vessel for all explorers like Anetier Talmon, Mikano Diusa, Graspen and Evinor Portente-Real, and by Cristobal Cererim. They were agile and easier to navigate than the barge and balinger, with a tonnage of 50 to 160 tons and 1 to 3 masts, with lateen triangular sails allowing beating. Being smaller and having a shallow keel, the caravel could sail upriver in shallow coastal waters. With the lateen sails attached, it was highly maneuverable and could sail much nearer the shore, while with the square Sostaut-type sails attached, it was very fast. Its economy, speed, agility, and power make it esteemed as the best sailing vessel. The limited capacity for cargo and crew are their main drawbacks, but do not hinder its success.Sensors
As the use of these vessels caught on, for the Ban Fellowship to maintain their edge, they added borsplot to the bow and keel. A gemstone that is drawn to vita flows and follows the currents. Using this advantage, they could navigate to population centers without needing to rely on star charts and maps.
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20 ft.
40 to 60 ft.
Complement / Crew
15 to 30
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
50 to 160 tons