Drakir Item in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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The Soul possesses a combination of the Breath of Life, Mortal Memory, and the Divine Seed. When a life is extinguished, the body loses the Breath of Life, its Anima. The soul then crosses beyond The Veil and comes to the shore of the Astral Sea. Amidst the Forest of Wild Wanderings, they find their way to the Waters of Forgetfulness. By drinking from the waters, or swimming within them, the soul sheds its Mortal Memory. All that is left within the soul, the Seed of Divinity, is then planted in the Garden of the Gods to bear life sustaining Fruit.   Those tepid souls who fear the waters and do not cross remain at the shore where their forms will eventually degrade, becoming ghosts. Their memories being fed upon by the roaming denizens of the astral waste. Their seed, falling on the shoreline, add to the ever growing forest. The memories coalesce in ethereal forms, emotion with like emotion, and form the astral denizens known as Drakir. The mortal minds whose dreams they plague commonly call them dreams and nightmares.
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