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Jaailift ([jaɪ̯lif])

The "Eternal Ice" or Vsima ("All Winter") fills the Northern most part of Tarell. Its vast plains of pure ice and snow covering the ground in any direction one looks and the dozens of valleys and canyons made of ice and rock are home to one of the toughest clans of men: the Jaarjilvind ("Ice Wanderers"). This ice magic weilding people are nomads, travelling the ice desert from camp to camp on the back of their giant mammoths that provide them with housing, warmth and eventually food.
Naturally, Jaailift doesn't offer much Fauna or Flora. Nonetheless some species like mammoths, ice tigers and ice foxes have adapted to the harsh conditions. Along the coast plenty of fish and whales can be found, causing a mass migration of the Jaarjilvind during the short summers. During Kesdaar (the "Summer Fishing") people gather on the coast to take advantage of the few weeks the ice along the rocky cliffs opens and loads of aquatic animals flee the warming waters of the South.
Besides the Jaarjilvind's little camps one settlement has survived hundreds of winters in the icy plain. Swenetz or Svenice ("World's End") is the Northen most city inhabitated by the men of the North. It is a gathering place for various merchants, exchanging useful tools from the South of the Dragon Mountains with mammoth pelts, train oil and ice runes.
During the Human-Dragon wars, the Dragon fortress of Túl Eségg ("Ice Watch") was besieged, conquered and destroyed by the Jaarjilvind, ending the already fading Draconic influence in the region north of the Dragon Mountains. To this day, the ruins of this once mighty castle watch over the snow covered plains, with brave adventurers venturing into the remains of a long gone power where ice and rock meet.
Desert, Ice