Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 3 - Falling in Quicksand

The Party Line up
Volspa Ichorstone, a shield maiden who rides her faithful Irontail mount
Talia, Volspa's adopted merfolk sister who skulks in the shadows with deadly magic fans.
Bell Juju, a sassy old merfolk granny who doesn't take crap from anyone.
Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color
Bitey the Gerblin, Krumpa's faithful minion with a severe gambling addiction that nobody can understand
  The session begins in the city of Downpour where Volspa, Talia, and Granny Juju learn the identity of the corpse as Rodric the caretaker of the dead who brings corpses to their homeland for proper burial. They figure that the Changeling Fin Mouser, killed Rodric and assumed his identity. Volspa and Talia head to the oasis to join the gathering of Krumpa and Bitey's angry mob from the long trek from Downpour.   Krumpa was challenged to a fight in "the circle" by the bandit leader where he and the leader would fight with no armor and but a single weapon each. Krumpa almost effortlessly won the battle and Volspa collected the bandit leader's head so she could give it to Owaka the 23rd for information on her family's missing heirloom, the Leviathan.   Shortly after the ground quaked and the path leading out of the oasis was now blocked off by a great door, a God Gate.  
This phenomenon is common on Pandora and referred to as "The God Games" where pathways are sealed off by "God Gates" and can only be opened again by completing trials set forth by the gods for their amusement. The God Games happen randomly and without any warning but always send pandora into chaos as critical pathways and supply chains are cut off suddenly. Brave men and women risk their lives to complete these trials and are known as "Wayfinders" by the Vikings and "Gate Crashers" by many pirates. As the Shaman's say "The God Games have begun"   With the great God Gate sealing the way forward the oasis's water drained revealing a hidden temple underneath. Volspa, Talia, Bitey, and Krumpa gather their courage and venture into the unknown temple below.   Granny Juju is off on another one of her adventures where she is still in the city of Downpour and seeks a ride to the oasis to meet up with the others. She befriends a group of elderly priestess and a massive silent brute named Flower who are taking a wagon out of town and agree to take Granny Juju to her friends. Upon arriving at the cave leading to the oasis, the Desert Clan Navy has taken position to raid the angry mob on the other side and due to some hijinks granny crashes through the caves on her wagon and resulting in a dead land strider she tried to heal but left suffering instead on accident. Knowing her time was limited and the navy about to attack she races into the camp and sneaks into the temple to regroup with the rest of the party as the navy launches its attack onto Bitey and Krumpa's small army.   Inside the temple, the ceiling begins to slowly descend with the threat of ultimately smashing the players into mush. Luckily the party navigated the maze and found the lever that halted the ceiling from coming down any further and opened the God Gate outside. For their reward the gods bestowed the wayfinders with a chest full of loot. Problem was the party tried smashing the chest open and instead dented it in a way that made it very difficult to open. They spent a long time trying to pry open the dented chest while up above to no one's knowledge but granny Juju the navy battled krumpa and bitey's forces and were led by the small child girl SMASH CHOPPA WAA.   After finally getting the chest opened and the loot divided up, the party made their way back up to the surface to see that battle was over and nearly all of Krumpa's army was arrested by the navy and most likely taken to Stone Wall Prison.   With the God Gate now open, the party ventured forth and found a great river made of quicksand known as "the Sandsea."   They met a shouting woman named Captain Tsunami whose crew of supposed wayfinders ran off in fear once the God Games began.   Captain Tsunami is a refugee of the old Water Clan that had their lands invaded by the Sun Empire decades ago who found a new home in the desert clan as a ferry-woman of the sand sea. She has a unique ability to control her ship magically by simply touching any part of it. This magic allows her to ferry passengers through the quicksand as if sailing in water but her business has come to a halt due to the God Gate now blocking the way. She hires the party as her new wayfinders to open the way to the town of Mother's Grace.   Her boat is only so big and thus the party had to part ways with the remaining members of Krumpa and Bitey's small army but brought with them the strong, silent, and very obedient cleric, Flower.   Along the way down the sandsea the party questioned Captain Tsunami if she had seen Rodric the cleric who carted the bodies of the dead to their homelands. She indeed did see Rodric the other day as she ferried him across the sandsea to the town of Selbina and that you can get to Selbina from Mother's grace up ahead.   Eventually the boat is halted by a Gods Gate where the party had to solve the puzzle while battling enemies and falling into quicksand several times. Several pieces of loot were lost, but at least no one died.  
With the Gods Gate opened the party made their way to Mother's Grace, a port town carved into the face of a huge slab of sandstone.   Captain Tsunami and Volspa headed out together to collect the reward for opening the Gods Gate while the rest of the party ventured to the local tavern for Bitey and his over jingling bag of coin could gamble. Inside they ran into Owaka the 23rd and all his foreigner's flair and top hat. He paid for a room for the party and Talia gave him the head of the bandit leader.   Owaka explained that Volspa's heirloom sword wasn't ever stolen, but instead lost in a gambling bet with Volspa's grandmother to Lord Sweetwater. He also gave the party a mission to travel to the town of Selbina, where a high stakes gambling tournement will be held, and to swap Lady Sweetwater's family ring with a fake he provided without her knowing. He was embarrassed by the Sweetwaters in a business deal not long ago and wants to in turn embarrass them back by stealing their family ring.   Captain Tsunami gave Volspa the party's Wayfinder money and Volspa then offered to buy Tsunami dinner. Tsunami took advantage of this offer by choosing a very expensive restaurant (ran by pirate foreigner's) which would cost most of the party's combined payment.   Volspa ends the session by sweating bullets   The game timer ends at 8PM