Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 5 - Gerblins and Art Competitions

The Party Line up

  Volspa Ichorstone, a shield maiden who rides her faithful Irontail mount
Talia, Volspa's adopted merfolk sister who skulks in the shadows with deadly magic fans.
Bell Juju, a sassy old merfolk granny who doesn't take crap from anyone.
Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color
Bitey the Gerblin, Krumpa's faithful minion with a severe gambling addiction that nobody can understand

Volspa being able to understand Gerblin translated that the Gerblin believe Bitey to be a savior from a prophecy. The Gerblins safely escort the party to a collection of giant sea shells the Gerblins live in along with a large totem pole with a pirate named Hugo tied to to the top.

Volspa translates that the prophecy states that Bitey will slay Lockjaw or die as tribute. Before the party can ask who Lockjaw is a loud horn is blown and all the gerblins hide under their sea shells as a giant predatory sea creature looms into view with murder in its eyes.   The beast made its way to the shouting Hugo and quickly chomped him up and swallowed the pirate. Lockjaw then turned its gaze to Granny Juju and Flower who quickly flipped opened one of the sea shells and convince the terrified Gerblin under it to attack the flying monstrosity. The Gerblin threw its spear but didn't even come to close to hitting it's mark. Lockjaw swooped down and swallowed the Gerblin whole.   Granny Juju reached into her backpack and grabbed the elemental core she been saving and quickly tossed it as a grenade at Lockjaw. The sharp spikes of Lockjaw's body pierced the core causing it to explode and deal massive damage to the beast as its shoulder showered blood and chunks of flesh down below.   Confused and in pain to what had happened, a loud horn is blown by the fearless painter, Krumpa who gets Lockjaw's attention. The beast charges toward the noise and krumpa readies a wooden log to throw at the beast but stumbles and instead falls into the quicksand below.   As Lockjaw hovered over the drowning Orc, Bitey unleashed the power of his magic panflute that filled the leviathan with fearsome visions.   The beast thrashed and swam away in fear but Bitey persisted with his pan flute and landed a critical hit causing the hulking predator to crash and fall to its death.  
  The Gerblins cheered as the prophecy unfolded before their very eyes! Bitey had vanquished the beast that tormented their tribe for generations and they happily crowned Bitey as their new King. A celebration breaks out as Granny Juju cooks a meal using the chunks of meat of Lock Jaw to feed the whole tribe.  
But not all are happy   Krumpa lost his magic paint buckets in the quicksand when he fell in. This put him into a rage causing him to beat and push Lockjaw's corpse into the quicksand followed by a deep depression.   During the festivities Granny Juju noticed the spirit of Lockjaw rise from the quicksand and from its maw a swarm of souls spewed out finally able to move on to the afterlife. Granny opened her magic flask, and many of the souls were sucked into it, afterwards to she drank from her flask and it transformed her into a more youthful Belle Juju.  
Belle easily aged 30 years younger. Nobody would be calling her "granny" anytime soon. After this consumption of souls, Belle now has haunting visions of a grim reaper watching her from the shadows.   After a full night of celebration the party jumps back into Tsunami's boat and is ready to continue the voyage to the mining city of Selbina. Bitey though decides to stay with the Gerblin tribe and be their king. He says his farewells and bestows the party with all his coin as they have no value in Gerblin society.   The party travels for awhile further towards Selbina when they come to a hault as a large boulder blocks their path. Flower quickly destroys the boulder and by doing so unleashed a sinkhole in the quicksand that pulls the entire boat under. All aboard flee the sinking ship to nearby rocks and Volspa has to drag Tsunami off the boat to save her life. Not all made it though, Flea and Flower sank to to depths and are considered dead along with the boat.   That didn't set well with the now youthful Belle, she stripped naked (blurred out for cable tv) and ties a rope around her waist, instructs Volspa and Tsunami to pull her out when she tugs on the line, and then dives into the quicksand below. After many clutch CON saves and sand that will be trapped in her ass for weeks, Belle manages to find Flower and both are pulled up to shore. But Flea and the boat are lost.   Now stranded, the Party meets a rock Elemental Named Terra who believes to be dreaming the heros and refers to the party as "Dream Creatures" She says she is an artist and is on a vision quest to interrupt the will of the great crystal. She falls madly in love with Talia's glowing eyes and Krumpa introduces to her the concept of using paint in art, something Terra has never heard of before. Her clan only uses stone to make art and thus everything is gray and brown. This causes Terra to become obsessed with colors and Krumpa teaches her the magic of each of them. Red Makes you go fast, Green makes you strong, Purple makes you invisible!   Inspired Terra waves goodbye to the "dream creatures" and jumps down a slide to "the real world"  
The party follows down the slide and into the underground caves of the Art Elementals   Terra is amazed to see the dream creatures in the real world and is convinced she created life with the power of her MIND! She explains that an art competition is happening tomorrow and the winner gets to become the new seer of her clan.   Other Elementals come and see Terra's "dream creatures" and are stunned to see she created them with her mind, something considered only those blessed by the great crystal can achieve.   One of the elementals is named Flint, and he bullies Terra's art calling them "ugly" and "stupid" because she does abstract art and not traditional art. Everyone laughs at Terra and walks out.   all but one, a vampire knight in full armor that covers his entire face. He calls himself Edgar and he is a cleric of the sun empire who has been trapped here for over 70 years as Flint's "dream creature"   The party also finds a Merfolk named Gully who turns out to be Talia's uncle. Talia ran away from her merfolk home in the riverlands 12 years ago and her family thought she died so the uncle was relieved to see she still lives.   He pleads with her to visit her parents in the Riverlands and gives her a key that summons a temple just North West of Selbina. He draws her a map and instructs her to find a statue with a missing eye and place the key he gave her into the eye, this will summon a temple that will rise out of the quicksand and transport her underground all the way back to the riverlands on the otherside of Pandora. He explains this is how he traveled here and that he is tasked with protecting the great crystal the art elementals worship.   Talia explains she has no intensions of returning home, as she ran away for a reason and tucks the key and map away in her backpack.   Filled with new vigor, Krumpa and the party create a new paint set for Krumpa to help Terra paint her statue art but it lacks the "magic" his old set had.  
  They visit the Great Crystal and learn from Talia's uncle Gully that shards of it fall off every so often and a new elemental grow from that shard.   Talia gazes into the crystal and sees her reflection move on its own accord and magically turns Talia's blood into a rainbow of colors. Talia gives this blood to Krumpa causing the Orc to also gaze into the crystal. He sees hundreds of Orc ancestors reaching out to him from the mirrored surface and as Krumpa touches palms with them they transfer to his body, each name appearing as a tattoo on his body and granting him the power to magically bless his newly created paint gorge on his back.   Belle gazes into the crystal and sees a rotting corpse version of herself staring back at her. Behind the corpse is the Grim Reaper who reaches out and touches Belle's shoulder, leaving a slowly growing black spot where it had touched her.   With Krumpa back in business, the party meets back up with Terra and together create and interpret new art for the art contest.   Afterwards Belle and Edgar team up to go sabotage Flint's art by setting free Flint's Gerblin "dream creatures" that run amok in his workshop and break many of his art sculptures.   The next day Terra wins the art contest with her new COLORFUL art that amazes the entire clan and forever changing their culture.   Flint protests in outrage, saying Terra cheated and that her "dream creatures" made that art for her   he challenges her to a game of "Stone Prison" a mixture of dodge ball and capture the flag.   Terra, Belle, Talia, Krumpa, and their new friend Edgar defeat Flint and 4 of his elemental cohorts in the sporting event, solidifying Terra's accession as the new seer of the art elementals.   As a reward, Terra frees the dream creatures, including Edgar, and returns them to the "Dream World" right to the doorstep of the town of Selbina.   The Game Timer ends at 2PM