Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 6 - Poker, Bugs, and Orc Expressions

The Party Line Up
Volspa Ichorstone, a shield maiden who rides her faithful Irontail mount Sara
Talia, Volspa's adopted merfolk sister who skulks in the shadows with deadly magic fans.
Belle Juju, a Merfolk pirate with a magic flask that meddles with the forces of life and death.
Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color.
Edgar the Anointed, a vampire cleric pacifist, who wishes to heal the world with the light of the Immortal Sun.  
The group makes their way into the town of Selbina, also known as "Crack Town", as this town is built inside of a fissure where the people mine the ore veins within.   Turns out the town is closed down due to the mines becoming infested with large bug monsters, luckily Captain Cannon and his crew ventured in to rid the mine of the insects but haven't returned yet.   The party met Owaka XXIII selling his wares to the dirty people of Crack town and stocked up on supplies as Edgar spent his time healing the sick and injured miners who swarmed the cleric for healing magic.   Owaka informed Volspa that lady sweetwater brought the Leviathan Blade, Volspa's heirloom weapon, with her to the tournament and also revealed that her long lost father's name was Cecil and that Owaka considered him to be a good man and that her grandmother has slandered his good name.   The party dressed up for high society, in fine dresses and painted on tuxedos and made their way to the poker game being played by the nobility of the land .   Belle gave flower some coin and told him to have fun in town while they played, flower took the mount with him.   They checked in their weapons at the door except Volspa who hid her belongings on Sara in her pokeball form.   Inside they met Lady Sweetwater whose father runs the water distribution network in the desert clan, lord Colder of Mother's Grace who produces the fine silk clothing for the clan, Chief Downside the chief of Selbina, and Aquamarine the sky clan ambassador Belle met in Mother's Grace.   The first round of poker Belle won but was revealed to be a cheater and thrown out of the event. She collected herself and decided to sneak onto the roof of the gaming hall and sneak back into the building through the vent in the kitchen.   The second round kept adding to the pot from the first round and the game looked to go to Lady Sweetwater who had pulled four 7s but Krumpa revealed that she also was a cheater and things got heated. Lady Sweetwater demanded krumpa be thrown out and he revealed himself to be the same Krumpa she met in Downpour and then the gloves came off and battle broke out between krumpa and the guard staff.   Talia and Volspa took advantage of this distraction and took off in search of the Leviathan Blade in Sweetwater's quarters. Belle took the opportunity to rob ambassador Aquamarine and Lord Colder and leave them naked and hog tied in the kitchen while framing the merfolk cook for the crime as all merfolk look the same to these people.   Volspa unleashed Sara from her pokeball and went head to head with Lady Sweetwater who proved to be a capable fighter in combat with her mechanical arm. Thalia snuck passed the battle and retrieved the Leviathan Blade and dispatched the soldier guarding it.   Events escalated as the town guard rushed in to arrest the heroes but Edgar the Anointed offered a peace agreement. The heroes would enter the mines and remove the bug infestation that plagued the town if the chief would let them go without paying any fines or jail time.   Chief Downside agreed and had the party escorted down to the mines but first Volspa went to visit Owaka XXIII to commission a new boat to be built for Captain Tsunami for 7 Gold from her winnings at the poker game.  
The party went down into the mines on an elevator with a hand-crank mechanism   They were instantly attacked by a group of large bug monsters and during the encounter, Belle shot a wagon full of dynamite which blew up 2 entire floors of the west wing of the mine leaving only fire and rubble in its wake.   As the group descended the lower levels, they found 2 people trapped in webbing one which begged for the party to find his brother on the lower floors who loved to eat stinky pickles. Belle then put the man back in the webbing after Edgar pointed out they were most likely impregnanted with bug eggs.   More bugs attacked and during the fight the webbed flooring ripped open causing a bug and krumpa to fall to the floor below and on top of a huge spawning insect.   The party took the elevator below and prepare to engage the boss like insect when they noticed two pirates and a viking holding a pickle jar hiding behind some crates.   the session timer ended at 11pm