Campaign 1 - Stolen Rain - Session 8 - Black Holes, Boulder, and a Giant Octopus

The Party Line Up

The mysterious merfolk mage that nobody can understand.
Belle Juju, a Merfolk pirate with a magic flask that meddles with the forces of life and death.
Krumpa Dakka Waaah, the master Orc painter warrior who breathes life into color.
Edgar the Anointed, a vampire cleric pacifist, who wishes to heal the world with the light of the Immortal Sun.

The session starts off with the party chasing after Captain Cannon's Merfolk crew member and the undead viking who are fleeing from the last battle. A god gate is closing in front of them and the bridge lowered into quicksand causing the earth bending merfolk to raise an earth pillar for her and the mysterious stranger nobody to stand on as the others looked over from the safety of a platform. In the center of the room is a giant musical lyre. Sawtooth explains that you have to hit the cords in a certain order to open the god gate and raise the bridge once more. Edgar rolls up his sleeves and shouts a prayer to the immortal sun to bless them on this task but something goes horribly wrong as the lights flicker out and in the center of the room a black hole rips open!  
Everyone holds on for dear life as the deadly vortex pulls the mysterious stranger and the merfolk pirate into the void never to be seen from again. Edgar was devastated that he caused such destruction and assumes the immortal sun was angry with him for asking for yet another favor so soon after performing the miracle of resurrecting Sawtooth.  
  Once they cleared the Lyre room they ventured down a long tunnel that eventually lead outside where several Tallnecks were found grazing on cacti. Sawtooth explained that these Tallnecks were equipped to transport the smuggled ore out of the mines for Finger's operations. A massive vampire named Boulder was found packaging the ore into crates for future transport and quickly formed a bond with Krumpa and Sawtooth as Boulder the Vampire identified as an Orc and explained how he grew up in an "Orc-anage" back in his home country across the sea.   They found the skeletal viking with a ghost head they been chasing trying to escape on a very unruly Tallneck. To their surprise it was the same skeleton they met back in Downpour, the mercenary known as "Otter" (Belle threw his head into the fire death pits during the riots but being undead his head just came back as ghost.) Sawtooth and Boulder explain that these Tallnecks were trained to move via song and that Otter had a terrible singing voice.   The party spared Otter's life who agreed to join Belle's pirate crew once she returned the rain orb and claimed her new sea vessel as her prize   They then "borrowed" the Tallnecks and used them to return to Selbina to regroup with Talia, Tsunami, and Owaka.   Once back in Selbina, Owaka explains that Tsunami's new ferry is complete and waiting down at the docks with Flower and Captain Tsunami.   Owaka and Talia were devastated when they heard the news of Volspa's courageous death causing Owaka to confess to being Volspa's long lost biological father and lead the party into a druken night at the tavern in memory of his fallen daughter. Krumpa gave Owaka Volspa's family heriloom blade, the Leviathan.   During the mournful event, Talia attacked Belle Juju blaming her for the death of her sister causing her to storm outside and toss the key to the sunken temple into the sandsea so the party would never find the rain orb. Talia then hijacked captain Tsunami and her brand new ferry and vanished into the horizon.   The party were whirling at the sudden turn of events as their once friend betrayed them and threw their only way to the rain orb down into the unforgiven depths of the sand sea. What were they to do now?   As the party argued, Edgar did a prayer to the octopus god Strix for he heard all things that are lost to the sandsea eventually ends up as treasures in the demi-god's treasure trove.  
The quicksand whirled in waves causing all the people in Selbina's port to flee in fear as the mighty Strix rose up and loomed over the party. Edgar's prayer was heard.   They pleaded to the mighty demi-god to retrieve the lost key so they may continue their quest.   Strix agreed to help, but first demanded the party travel to the Whispering Sands and destroy the altars that were recently constructed there. Altars that worshiped a dead demi-god that Strix had slain ages ago but still radiate with enough power that prevented the octopus from entering the Whispering Sands.  
  The party agreed and "borrowed" the Tallnecks once again to travel to the whispering Sands, a place of death and haunting visions.   Edgar saw the blackhole he summoned fill the sky and the innocent lives it claimed from his folly.   Belle witness the death of her husband being burned alive, and no matter how hard she and Flower tried they couldn't extinguish the flames and had to listen to his piercing screams.   When the party found the altars, they was human sacrifice being peformed by Cabal Vampires. These dark vampires were using the magical energies of the dead god's corpse to fuel their ritual and summon a demon into the physical world.  
  But the heroes were too late, the ritual was too close to completion by the time they arrived and the Demon crossed the veil with a torrent of hellfire.   A battle broke out and the cabal sorcerers were slain but the demon would not fall.   Out of nowhere Boulder pulled out a huge bomb and blew up half the platform and one of the altars. In the struggle Boulder clung to one the arms of the demon for his weapon was stuck into the beast.   Edgar picked up one of the slain Cabalist swords and appeared to be about to break his vow of pacifism as he drew it high into the sky with a loud roar as he brought it down and crushed the second altar.   The demon raised its arm (the one Boulder was on) high into the air forming a magical ball of energy that began siphoning the mana from the surrounding area.   Krumpa knew something horrible was about to happen and quickly smashed the third and final altar with his mighty weapon.   The session ended with a long tentacle rising from the quicksand behind the demon and left the world timer at 4PM.....