Campaign 3 - Session 5 - World Shapers

Session begins with the party locked in combat against a group of Merfolk Reclaimers who are trying to flood all of Pandora using a powerful forbidden Elder artifact.
The large room had 3 obelisks that when rotated would alter the landscape of Pandora.   Gud'rune took out the Ocarina that Nightingale gave her and used it to summon the red haired sorceress to their aid. Nightingale was furious that it had only been roughly 30 minutes and they already called her with the ocarina and after chastising the party for a few minutes she realized where she was. She was in the room with the 3 obelisks.   She knew the party said the merfolk planned to get into this room and use the obelisks, but she admitted that she never believed they would ever get passed the seal. For she revealed that it was she who sealed this room up the last time she was here nearly one thousand years ago. The party explained how the merfolk gathered a huge pile of magic items used the blood moon's power to drain the seal of its magic.   Nightingale opened the demonic book and explained how she would then place new seals on each of the three obelisks, but she will need time to finish the spell. The sorceress' eyes flared red, her voice became deep and spoke demonic as a hellish glyph appeared around her.   The merfolk took this moment to spin all 3 obelisks causing not just the room, but all of Pandora to quake and shift. The party leapt into action, knowing they had to stop the merfolk while Nightingale finished her sealing spell.   Among the Merfolk were some familiar faces.
The merfolk with the elemental controlling helmet from castle nightingale was there, and with a new enslaved elemental. A mighty rock elemental that Choppa knew from her past. Choppa and the Sons of Shadow were graffiti-ing the cavern walls in the Deep Roads when the wall Choppa tagged got up and started moving for she unknowingly painted a sleeping rock elemental. Choppa believing she had channeled her mentor Krumpa Dakka Waaa magically orc painting ability, thought she brought the rock to life. She quickly named the elemental "Sir Benedict Iron Wood" and even wrote it in big clear letters on it's chest. Confused on why Sir Benedict Iron Wood wouldn't obey her commands, she repeatedly tried to write a command word on the rock elemental hoping it would gain control over it. Over her many attempts, Sir Benedict Iron Wood, was now covered in childish graffiti and along with a boiling hatred for the small girl.
Another merfolk among the Reclaimers had a burning hatred of vengeance toward Gud'rune. In her youth, Gud'rune was pitted to fight her best friend Sigarda in the Proving. Gud'rune won, but at the cost of ending the life of her best friend. Full of grief she flung herself and Sigarda's sword off a cliff into the ocean. A merfolk fisherman, Takota Tidesinger, found her and nursed her back to health in his fishing village. Gud'rune stayed in the village for nearly a year and Takota taught her the merfolk sign language. Eventually a group of Reclaimers came to the fishing village, looking to recruit more followers for their cause to wipe all non-merfolk from Pandora and they were furious that Takota was sheltering Gud'rune, a human! Takota and his family stood up for Gud'rune and the Reclaimers left her be, but took Sigarda's weapon as human's can't be trusted with weapons. During the Reclaimers short stay, they talked about how they had setup an ambush to assassinate the Mountain Clan Queen and Gud'rune was able to learn of their plans as she now understood the Merfolk sign language. Worried for the queen's safety, Gud'rune escaped into the night and returned to Mountain Clan to warn of the assassination plot against the queen. The assassination was foiled, and in retaliation the queen sent an army into Merfolk territory and slaughtered many merfolk villages, including Takota Tidesinger's village. Gud'rune's role in saving the queen was the first steps in Gud'rune working up the ladder to becoming captain of the Valkyrie but she always wondered what happened to Takota Tidesinger and his family.   Now she knows that Takota's entire family was slain and he was the one of the few survivors of his village. He joined up with the Reclaimers who gave him Sigarda's sword so he may one day find Gud'rune and stab her in the heart for vengeance. And that day is today!   Sir Benedict Iron Wood begged Jazel to help free him from the mind control of the merfolk with the helmet thinking that Jazel was Choppa. Choppa was "death-blender-ing" a group of Merfolk Reclaimers while his chain blade roared with sadistic glee from all the carnage. This caused the Merfolk with the helmet to order Sir Benedict Iron Wood to bind Choppa's feet in place with stone that slowly creeped up her tiny but deadly body preventing movement.   As the battle raged on, the Elder obelisks were spun several times before Nightingale's spell stopped 2/3 obelisks from spinning. This caused a loud roar of anger to echo through the chamber as an Orc Warlock revealed himself to the party.
Atoone explained that this villain was none other than Tukohama, the Corrupter. A terrible warlock responsible for corrupting many spirits on Pandora in her 300 years of life. He was the one responsible for corrupting the red bull Kitava along with the mighty dragon turtle that destroyed Atoone's people's home in her youth. He is not one to be underestimated.   The battle ranged on and Atoone volunteered to protect Nightingale so nothing distracted the final seal's casting.   Gud'rune battled with Takota using the nullifying magic sword Atoone gave him. With Takota in such close range of the sword, she noticed that his red eyes faded and his rage replaced with tears an anguish. She came to the realization that the Orc Tukohama must of been manipulating the merfolk's anger to drive them into doing something so radical as flooding Pandora.   With his rage diminished Gud'rune explained how she wanted no harm to come to him and his family and regrets how terrible things unfolded. Takota agrees that his family would be ashamed of him for taking his grief on all the innocents of Pandora and he threw Sigarda's sword at Gud'rune's feet for the mere sight of it disgusted him and he was going to leave this madness behind him. Before he turned to leave, Gud'rune gave him the magic ocarina that summoned Greta Nightingale every 5 years and told him to use it to help his people.   Tukohama the Orc slithered a wet tentacle from the shadows that worked its way into choppa's ear and corrupted her mind. With a mental command, Tukohama ordered Choppa to stop Nightingale's casting and Sir Benedict Iron Wood released Choppa from her stone prison. She then flung her body in the direction of the sorceress, but Atoone got in between them.   Choppa cut down the elderly tortle and her sentient chain sword cackled with murderously glee. "MOOORE BLOOD MOOOORE"   Choppa stepped over Atoone and raced towards Nightingale and ended up stepping in the demonic glyph around the sorceress. Shadows and fire consumed Choppa, as her body was ripped to shreds in the powerful demon magic of the sorceress's book.   But the bracelet on Choppa's wrist shined with light and then bursted with white and blue energy as Choppa was reincarnated outside the demonic glyph and covered in blue goo. As Choppa wiped the gunk out of her eyes she was back in control of her mind, the rebirth having severed the connection to Tukohama. But wait, where is her chain sword?   The chain sword was mutated by the demonic runes into a demon and roared for blood as the demonic circle closed behind it.   Nightingale shouted at the group that she would open a banishing circle and to lure the demon inside.   The battle raged on as Choppa distracted the demon and Gud'rune and Jazel fought the Orc Tukohama. The warlock smiled with satisfaction as he announced to the group that it was too late, that he was able to shift the land enough to free his demonic master, the corrupted Abaroth. With Atoone bleeding out on the ground Sips picked up the old tortle and flung her unconscious body toward Gud'rune and Jazel and accidentally ended up hitting Tukohama while his magical defense was down due to the Nullblade sword. The tortle's thick shell not only hit the Orc, but caved in his skull ending the terror of Tukohama once and for all. Atoone's old nemesis finally defeated but she was dying quickly, and nobody had any way of healing her. Panic erupted as Atoone was fading, but then Jazel shouted "the lettuce!" and begun rummaging through Atoone's pockets till she pulled out the piece of lettuce Atoone was given by nightingale. She quickly stuffed the piece of lettuce in attone's mouth and watched as the old sage chewed her way back to health.   Choppa managed to position the demon onto the demonic circle as Nightingale closed the portal and but before the demon was banished it let out one last lash of its chain saw fingers and slashed Choppa across the chest causing the small girl to begin bleeding out. Choppa alone looked over to her friends and saw one last merfolk sneak from the shadows and begin spinning the last remain elder obelisk. Choppa looked towards the water elemental sips and ordered him to fling her at the last remaining enemy and Sips complied.   Choppa flew through the air with her wind blade and with one mighty slash she put the last ounce of her energy into stopping the merfolk from spinning the Obelisk again.   With all the enemies defeated the group went to see to Choppa's wounds, but this time the savage little girl wasn't getting up. Her cold corpse laid lifeless on the cold floor of the chamber.