Campaign 3 - Session 6 - Nightmares in the Dream Wood

After a tearful burial of Choppa Dakka Waaah, Nightingale transported the party back to the surface on the back of a giant raven he conjured. Upon reaching the light of the world above they witnessed forever changed Pandora. Mountains, forests, and waters rearranged in a new landscape.   The weaver they met earlier then greeted the group and the party explained how they stopped the merfolk from flooding Pandora but still much has been altared. It could of been much worse!   The weaver thanked the party for their service to the realm and explained how the Aegis family has laid a challenge to Queen Umber's crown in Bulwark and he suggests that the princess make haste to the captial. The weaver then invited Gretta Nightingale to join him back to the Sky Clan to help her catch up on all the years she has missed but the sorcerous denied the invite and said her farewells as she flew away on the back of her great Raven.   Jazel asked the weaver to take Choppa's apprentice Killa daka waaa somewhere safe   The party departed with the weaver and made their way towards the Dream Wood on their way towards the Captial of Bulwark. After a few miles they walk up to a random bookcase in the middle of the road. Jazel walked up to the bookcase and pulled on a book. "ouch"  
Pugnus Explodene reveals himself to be the bookshelf. He has a "mimic cloak" that allows him to take the form of a random inanimate object. Pugnus introduced himself as a Dragon Warrior of the Sky Clan sent to help secure princess Jazel safe passage back to Bulwark and to prevent the Mountain clan from descending into full Civil War.  
The party agreed to any and all help they could recieve and continued their way to the Dream Wood.   Once they arrived in the dream wood, they were assaulted by some kind of invisible enemy that was inflicting serious wounds to the party. Atoone the wise noticed the Panda god's dream catchers that adorn the Dream Wood were shattered and broken to pieces. 
This caused Atoone to approach a dream flower and fall into a deep sleep where she awoke in the realm of dreams where she could finally see the enemy. It was a nightmare just as she suspected!
At this moment the ground rumbled as over the clearing came two montrous grizzly bears brawling each other. It was the Grizzly God Goreclaw and he was fighting what seemed to be a shadow version of himself. The moment of awe vanished when the party realized the two titanic bears were bringing their fight straight towards them and they had to quickly move out of the way or risk being stepped on.   So the party continued their battle with the nightmare that could step between the dream world and the physical world while trying to avoid being smashed by Goreclaw's godly battle. In the end Atoone managed to seal the nightmare into a gem and the party made their way further into the woods where they finally found Panda dream god, Koda in a deep slumber.   Koda was being corrupted by the blood moon and the usual peaceful god's dream power lept into the minds of the party, unleashing their worst nightmares into a false reality.
Atoone was sent back to her youth where she witnessed her home town being leveled by the Dragon turtle known as Shellback. The massive flying creature was corrupted by Abaroth who ordered the town be destroyed.  
Jazel was a 6 year old girl once again witnessing the death of her parents from the terrible battle with a Hellspawn Snake and it was now turning its gaze towards her.  
Pugnus was currently taking the form of an outhouse, and the door swung open and entered, Krumpa Daka Waaa the feared Orc who had the power to sever Pugnus's connection to the Sky Clan's collective. The mighty orc sat upon the seat of the outhouse and spewed multicolored paint to begin the severing ritual.  
Gud'rune witnessed her childhood friend Sigarda emerge from the woods. She said the power of the Bloodmoon revived her and was horrified to learn that her family's homeland had been lost and that Gud'rune had murdered her twin brother Magnus. She raised her weapon toward Gud'rune vengefully and in tears.  
One by one each party member faced their nightmares while dodging Goreclaw brawling his shadow. They managed to wake up the great Panda, Koda the Dream weaver and restore order back to the Dream Wood.   As reward for their bravery, Koda gave the party 10 dream catchers that protect those who wear them from the corruption of the Blood Moon and begged they make haste to the capital for he hasn't been able to commune with mother winter or the queen for several days and he fears the worst.   The mighty Goreclaw offered the party a ride on his back to the Capital and off they went into the horizon.