Campaign 4 - Session 1 - Romeo and Juliet

Meet the Party


Natsu Dragnel

a blacksmith with the extraordinary ability to conjure and manipulate oil and fire, bears scars and burns across his body, a testament to the turbulent discovery of his powers. He harnessed these abilities to craft counterfeit coins, which he used for betting in casinos. However, his scheme was eventually uncovered by Lucano, a demon who ran the Fangs of Fate Casino. As retribution for his deceit, Lucano enslaved Natsu, compelling him to repay the stolen wealth with a hefty interest. Natsu's new task was to create counterfeit coins for Lucano, designed to be strategically placed in the pockets of enemies, framing them for cheating in the casino.   As an immediate punishment for his transgression, Lucano decided to execute Natsu's closest friend, a fisherman's daughter named Octavia. However, before Lucano could carry out his vengeance, a strange pink earth elemental appeared and offered itself as a substitute for the punishment. Octavia's life was thus spared, and the earth elemental was conscripted into Lucano's service.   Natsu now bears the responsibility of ensuring the survival and productivity of the earth elemental. Should the elemental perish, the debt of Octavia's life, momentarily alleviated, would be transferred back to her, placing her once again in peril.  


A pink hearthstone elemental, was brought to life by the great crystal buried beneath the Sand Sea in the far western lands of the Desert Clan. Instilled with a profound purpose, Cor was tasked with traveling to the surface world, a realm the elementals perceive as the land of dreams. His mission: to purge this world of sin and spread happiness wherever he ventures.     With an earnest acceptance of his birthright, Cor made his way to Pandora's most sinful city, the capital of the Viper Clan. In his innocence and selflessness, Cor began taking on the debts and punishments of others, using his own life force to heal the sick and wounded. His understanding of the concept of debt was naïve, as he did not fully grasp the implications and consequences of his actions. Nonetheless, his endeavors were guided by a pure intention to fulfill his purpose and bring joy and relief to those around him.  

Jack Valtrade

Jack gambled his memories with Lucano and lost. The stakes must have been high, as Jack didn't just lose a single memory or skill set; he lost all his memories. He doesn't even remember his real name and has since adopted the name Jack. He does have one clue into his past, a large tattoo on his forearm of a snake wrapped around a blade.   He shares a strong bond with Edith (see below), who took him under her wing in a sort of big sister role when Jack first lost his memories.   What Jack does know is that he is lucky and can alter the luck of those around him, a talent Lucano puts to good use. As the pit boss of the casino, Jack influences the fortunes of gamblers - giving high rollers streaks of bad luck and low rollers good luck, thereby generating sizable profits for the casino.   Jack hopes to regain his memories after repaying his debts to Lucano.  

Edith the bird witch

Edith was raised by the demon Lucano after his staff discovered a litter of Gerblins in a box behind an alley. Lucano took an interest in Edith upon learning of her strong connection to the spirit realm. He had her raised under the tutelage of a coven of witches known as the Owlfeather Assembly, who taught her to soothe and control spirits. Lucano utilized Edith's abilities for espionage and collecting blackmail on the residents of the Viper Clan, selling this information to the House of Whispers.   Additionally, Edith is often sought out by common folk for performing exorcisms and helping the dead transition to the afterlife, ensuring their loved ones do not turn into fiends.   Lacking a traditional family, Edith has formed strong bonds with those around her, such as Jack and Natsu, whom she regards as her family.        
The campaign begins with the party being summoned by their demon master, Lucano, who runs the Fangs of Fate Casino in Glimmergold. He explains that a black, ooze-like creature in the Sea of Stars has been attacking ships, an entity the sailors have named 'the Black Tide.' Recently, the Black Tide has grown bolder, attacking the Binks Periwinkle Tea Farm. The party's mission is to find and destroy this Black Tide. In return for their success, Lucano promises to grant them their freedom by forgiving their debts to him. Lucano then assigned a spirit named Avery to babysit the party to report back to Lucano of their progress. Lucano also orders the group to not bring trouble to his doorstep and that people who wear peacock feathers are off limits. Do not embarrass him.   The party decided their first goal was to reach the House of Whispers located at the floating market. They needed to travel to port Nebula and find a ship that will take them to the floating market.  
The party exited the casino and witnessed a wedding ceremony in progress. The joyful couple, Jace and Grace, two undead beings fused at the hip, were renewing their wedding vows for the sixth time. They declared their plans to travel through the Night Lands for their sixth honeymoon. As the couple shared a dramatic, prolonged kiss and the crowd cheered, Natsu mischievously threw handfuls of counterfeit gold coins into the streets. This act transformed the joyous occasion into a brutal riot, with people scrambling and fighting over the gold scattered across the pavement. Amidst the ensuing chaos, the newlyweds remained oblivious, continuing their awkwardly extended kiss.   The bloody riot caught the attention of Scarlet Ebonfang, also known as Scarlet the Harlot, daughter of Tywin Ebonfang, a master builder and honored guest of Vol the Golden. Tywin was renowned for introducing modern building methods to the Viper Clan. Scarlet, a spoiled troublemaker, knew she was untouchable due to her father's status.   Drawn to the many peacock feathers in Scarlet's hair, Edith, unable to resist, reached out, only to be caught by the wrist by Scarlet, who displayed her Trueblood Vampire abilities. Natsu instinctively drew his blade to defend Edith, unaware that attacking an untouchable was a grave crime, a fact that delighted Scarlet. She cackled, offering to spare Natsu's life if he allowed her to carve her name into his forearm, a proposal Natsu's pride made him refuse. Retreating into the Fangs of Fate Casino, Natsu assumed his demon master Lucano would protect him.   Jack, aware that Lucano had just advised against bringing trouble to his doorstep, shook Natsu's hand, using his special shapeshifting ability to assume Natsu's form. As Natsu, he approached Scarlet and accepted the punishment, allowing her to carve her name into his forearm. Satisfied, Scarlet and her entourage of vampire nobles laughed and moved on, likely seeking Scarlet's next victim          
The party decided to stock up on supplies in the market district before embarking on their journey and encountered Owaka XXIII, the regional manager of Arnold Gregorium's Warehouse Emporium. He supplied them with new clothes and equipment. Upon learning that they were heading to the floating market, Owaka suggested they seek safe passage with an acquaintance of his, Captain Tsunami. He mentioned that the captain would likely agree to transport them if they mentioned that Owaka had sent them.   Owaka closed his shop doors and magically vanished as if he was never there.  
Moments later, panic erupted in the crowd as strange beasts stampeded through the marketplace. A Chimera, a Raptor, and a giant Peacock, fleeing from the local circus, were being led by a fantastical merfolk liberator who shouted to the crowds that these creatures must be set free back into the wilds.   Iggy Wriggly, the circus owner, announced that he would reward anyone who safely returned his escaped creatures alive. The party sprang into action. Utilizing their unique skills, they successfully captured the Chimera and the Peacock, while confronting and defeating the Merfolk and the Raptor.  
Grateful for the return of his circus's more exotic creatures, Iggy rewarded the party with a phoenix egg and free admission to that night's circus performance. The party accepted and enjoyed a show featuring unicorn jousting, penguin clowns, tightrope-walking Gorehorns, and many other performances. There, they once again encountered Jace and Grace, enjoying their honeymoon at the show.   After the show, the group encountered a young 16-year-old boy named Romeo, who was desperately seeking help to rescue his beloved Juliet from giant spiders. As he spoke of his lover's dire situation, an awkward smile played on his lips. Cor-lapuis, unable to refuse a plea for help, convinced the party to follow young Romeo. They ventured into a dark alley near the bell tower and descended into the sewers  
  The party, wary of a potential trap, remained on high alert as they navigated the dank sewers. Their journey led to a startling revelation: Juliet was actually a spider, and her father, Capulet, refused to allow Romeo, a wererat, to see her. Capulet disclosed that Juliet had been kidnapped by the Lizard Folk while trying to meet Romeo against her father's wishes. Due to peace treaties with the Rat Folk, Capulet was unable to cross the bridge to the Lizard Folk's stronghold. He implored the party to rescue his daughter and covertly offered a greater reward for eliminating Romeo and all the other Rat Folk . When the party reached the Lizard Folk, they discovered that Juliet was not with them. The Lizard Folk were only pretending to hold her captive, planning to ransom her to the spiders for "clinky clinky."   In a twist of fate, the party stumbled upon a group of human bandits stealing Periwinkle Tea from various casinos, including Lucano's Fangs of Fate Casino. The bandits were scared off, and Avery was sent to inform Lucano, so his men could recover the stolen tea.   Finally, the party located Juliet, who was being held captive by a group of Gerblins. These Gerblins had entered the city alongside the merfolk, who initially aimed to free the circus animals. Following the merfolk's demise, the Gerblins had taken to worshiping a great shark that had entered the sewers through a breach the merfolk created for their secret entry into the city. Coincidentally, this breach was also being used by the human bandits to smuggle Periwinkle Tea out of the city.  
  The party defeated the Gerblins and rescued Juliet, who then revealed she was pregnant with spider-rat offspring, evidenced by a moving spider egg sac. Grateful, Romeo rewarded the party with a treasure map, leading to a cache he had discovered in the sewer some time ago.     Following the map, the party located the hidden treasure. They discovered a dead body, seemingly cowering from a chest. Inside the chest, they found a Crown adorned with a blue gem, bearing markings identical to those of Jack's tattoo – a potential clue to his forgotten past.   Additionally, they unearthed a large Rainbow Shell and an ancient set of armor, accompanied by a great axe. Exhausted from their eventful day of adventure, the party took this opportunity to rest and recuperate.   Timestamp - Day 2 Noon after a rest.