Campaign 4 - Session 2 - The White Tiger

  The party started the session by visiting Cardotti's House of Leisure to cleanse themselves of the sewer's stench.   There, they encountered Lamb, an immortal demon who revels in the torture inflicted by Cardotti's clients but took great offense when Cor healed Lamb's wounds. Lamb declared that the rock elemental had made a formidable enemy that day as he stormed out of the bath.  
Feeling clean and refreshed, the party headed to the gates where a Steerian Trading Company merchant proposed a job. He sought escorts for his wagon of goods through the Redcap Forest to Port Nebula, warning that thieves known as the Blue Hood had been targeting merchants on the road. The party, already bound for Port Nebula, demanded an exorbitant fee for their services, prompting the merchant to seek more reasonably priced mercenaries elseware.  
  In the Redcap Forest, the party witnessed people descending from the sky on giant hovering mushrooms, landing nearby. They were greeted by Puk, the owner and curator of Puk's Skyshroom Safari, who explained his business of swiftly transporting travelersfrom Port Nebula to the capital on his paragliding mushrooms.  
Continuing through the giant mushroom forest, the party came across the familiar "forest throne" at a fork in the road, a local landmark now vandalized with the word "SCARLET" carved into it. Jack, noticing the same letters carved into his forearm, was taken aback.   Missy and Hopper, a woman and a large mushroom creature working for Puk, introduced themselves, explaining their job of collecting exotic mushrooms, though noting the forest's scarcity. Missy shared that the Redcap Forest was once home to the Merfolk Heralds, with their leader holding court at the very throne. Kor then used his earth magic to erase the the SCARLET lettering from the ancient throne.   With the throne restored, Natsu deciphered ancient elder letters hinting at an ancient guardian of the land and a dire warning about a black death. The crown and armor they found in the sewers began to glow near the throne. When Natsu sat on the throne, magical runes appeared, showing a map of the old world before the great shift five years ago. The party surmised that the crown and armor were connected to the map, the land's guardian, and something known as the black death.  
They continued their journey and encountered brotherhood pirates - Iggy, Flea, and Slash - transporting a sedated telekinetic white tiger to Glimmergold's Menagerie. Slash admired Natsu's dragon helmet and Flea flirted with Jack while Iggy relieved himself in the woods. Flea explained that the tiger was being kept sedated with sleep mushrooms and Natsu handed over a bag of his conterfiet gold coins to the pirates to purchase the tiger. Happy with this sale. the pirates left to spend their hard earned gold in the casinos of Glimmergold.  
Their path crossed with Ozma transporters, leading to a violent encounter as the tiger attacked, killing an Ozma priest. Seizing the opportunity, the party raided the transporters' cargo, finding fish and spices to feed the tiger.  
At Port Nebula's gates, Natsu, donning a peacock feather and assuming the persona of Lucano's esteemed guest, convinced the guards to allow the tiger into town with an escort of Sea Wolf Soldiers.   Seeking Captain Tsunami, the soldiers guided them to her ship, the Aurora, a vessel made of giant seashells, its buoyancy and seaworthiness a baffling marvel.   At the docks they saw a Steerian Trading Company woman named Daisy Beckett leading a public complant against the Blue Hood thieves who raid Steerian and Viper Clan merchants on the roads and now at sea. They claim the Blue Hood is in leage with Ozma transportation as the ships at sea are reported to be attacked by giant oozes and Ozma of course has the power to control oozes! Jericho, Admiral of the Viper Clan's navy the Sea wolves, tried to calm the angry crowd. Jericho said that his sea wolves patrol the coast and have not had any reports of such Ooze attacks and that tourists make their way to Port Nebula safely on a daily bases. This only caused the Daisy Beckett to make claims that the Blue Hood doesn't target tourists, it only targets merchant's cargo as they know attacking the tourists would cause the sea wolfs to come after them.   Natsu then approached the sea wolf admiral and volunteered to "get rid" of the Steerian woman and her men in exchange for coin. The group then convienced Daisy Beckett and her Steerian troop into an old boat house where they fed the steerians to the white tiger.  
  The party then met up with Captain Tsunami who agreed to transport the group to the floating market if they helped her locate her lover, Billiam, who went missing recently. Billiam is captain of the Jade Lion, a ship that was last seen transporting Steerian Merchants near the Thunder Tower and Tsunami fears that this "Black Tide" the sailors are whispering about had something to do with his disappearance.   The session ended at noon of the 3rd day.