Campaign 4 - Session 5 - Binks Periwinkle Farm

The session begins with the party sailing to the Binks Periwinkle Tea Farm to investigate missing tea shipments. Accompanying them in the air is Scarlet, riding her great fire drake, Butterbean. They soon encounter sea wolf navy ships engaged in battle with the Black Tide along the coast near the Periwinkle farms. Butterbean creates an opening with a burst of drake fire, allowing Captain Tsunami to maneuver her ship passed the conflict and dock at the Binks Periwinkle Farm.  
The party is then approached by two ghosts: Baron Binks, a wealthy business tycoon and owner of the Binks Periwinkle Tea Farm, and Anna Conda, a banker from the Lending House of Vol the Golden. The two spirits are surprised to see a ship that has managed to bypass the Black Tide blockade along the coastline. They desperately hire the party to reclaim the farm, which has fallen to Merfolk invaders. They offer a substantial reward of 50 gold pieces if the party can purge the farm of the Merfolk and allow the workers to resume tea production.  
  Cor, suffering from his affliction caused by the Black Tide, decided to stay on the boat to rest, as both he and his sister, Aquafina, were not fit for combat. Meanwhile, the rest of the party explored the farm. They discovered that the merfolk had zombified the tea workers using some kind of animating fungus, leading to a fierce battle that ultimately caused a fire, burning down the living quarters of the farm workers.   The party also uncovered a division within the merfolk forces: those who worship the Black Tide and those who follow the recently returned god, Mind Claw. This revelation gained the party a new ally when Kai, the young merfolk girl clinging to Jack's leg, revealed that one of her relatives was among the followers of Mind Claw.  
While Cor slept, Aquafina seized the opportunity to save her dying brother by absorbing the Black Tide from his body into hers. When Cor awoke, he was horrified to see that Aquafina had completely transformed into a Black Tide spawn. Overcome with anguish, he trapped her in the giant bottle, hoping that the two cat chefs would be able to restore her once the necessary ingredients were gathered.   The waters beneath the farm began to stir, and a massive Black Tide Spawn attacked, prompting a fierce battle with Mind Claw. During the scuffle, the party managed to find a ledger noting a large shipment of tea to be delivered to Lucano at no charge, on behalf of their demon master. Edith and Jack discovered a very strange single boot that seemed out of place. Edith's magical intuition told her it was special for some reason, prompting Jack to stow it away in his pack.   As the battle raged, the party made their way to the farm's glass bottle-blowing forge, where they learned that the merfolk were forcing the farm workers to create a massive glass bottle. This bottle was intended to contain the Black Tide, which they discovered attracted the larger mass of the Black Tide at sea, preventing the Sea Wolf Ships from reaching the farm. Seeing that the battle was not in their favor, the fanatical merfolk drank vials of Black Tide they wore around their necks, causing their bodies to transform into Black Tide spawn. However, the party was able to subdue them. Meanwhile, the battle between Mind Claw and the large Tide Spawn made its way to the forge.  
Working together, the party utilized the massive bellows and Natzu's fire magic to create a stream of molten glass aimed at the spawn, resulting in its death. (This impossible feat required not 1 but 2 Nat20s!!)   The farm was saved, and the remaining merfolk fled back to Sporemound. Goreclaw thanked the party for helping him return home with a blessing that allowed them to communicate telepathically with intelligent creatures.